  الأربعون النووية  
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  الخطوط العربية  
  الصفحة الرئيسية  

Shaykh Okasha Kameny

Shaykh Okasha Kameny

The young muslim in the 21st century wants to listen to a young imam. The young muslim wants something new. In fact why are still just old people, with beards and hoods, who invaded and have taken the jurisprudence domain ?

In these times, we live the worst moments of the history of Islam. We are on the land which is the most fertile to grow all of the kind of preachers. Here is another one.

Shaykh Okasha Kameny was born in Kumasi, Ghana, West Africa. His parents were pious individuals who encouraged their children towards the acquisition of Sacred Knowledge.

Okasha Kameny was taught by the scholar and Mufassir Shaykh Adam Baba who had studied with Shaykh Abdul Aziz ibn Abdullah ibn Baaz.

Abdul Aziz bin Abdullah bin Baz (1910 - 1999), was a Saudi Arabian Islamic scholar and a leading proponent of the Wahhabi form of Islam. He was the Grand Mufti of Saudi Arabia from 1993 until his death in 1999.

At the age of 12, the Shaykh had completed the memorisation of the Holy Quran together with the rules of Tajweed. He memorised the Quraan in the 10 Qiraat.

After completing the Holy Quraan the Shaykh memorised Sahih Al Bukhari, Sahih Muslim, Sahih Muslimand, and continued to memorise many other classical texts, including Ashabrawiyyah and Ash-Shatibyyah .

Imam Okasha Kameny is the Imam of Masjid Al-Wasatiyah Wal-Itidaal located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

He has memorized the entire Quraan as well as several of the major books of Hadith, including Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim from his homeland in West Africa.

He is a regular speaker in the DC Metropolitan area. He is specialized in the field of Quran Recitation as he teaches the ten styles of the recitation of the Quran.

Okasha Kameny claims Salafism . He, indeed ,supports Ash-Shaykh Muhammad Abdulwahhab , believes that he had come as a renewer of Islam, and also compliments his book At-tawheed.

Salafism is the doctrine of salaf , the one at the time of the prophet Muhammad and the two centuries that follows.

Abdurrazzak Ajaja


الأذان و الإقامة
الجمع و القصر في الصلاة
دعاء القنوت
أواخر سورة البقرة
آية الكرسي
صلاة التّراويح
الصلوات الخمس الواجبة
سنن الصلوات الخمس
فرائض الوضوء
محارم المرأة محارم الرجل
مصافحة المرأة الأجنبية
أركان الصلاة شروط الصلاة
المسح على الجَوارب
زكاة الفطر زكاة المال
مبطلات الصّلَاة
صلاة الجماعة صلاة الجمعة
صلاة العيد
الصَّلاة بالحذاء
المقامات الموسيقية في
تجويد القرءان  


كُتَّـــابٌ وَ شُـعَراءٌ
Writers and Poets

Imam Al-Ghazzali
Le wahhabbisme
Okasha Kameny
Al Mutazila : المعتزلة

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