
Find the simple past and the past participle of an irregular verb. Enter its infinitive without the preposition "to":
The basics




Ben Adam's thoughts

Part 6

I am very happy!

Here are the ten rules to practice in order to become most
happier than I am:

Rule number one:
Beware of the look.
Who said that we shouldn't go by appearances?
righteous judgment? What's this?
Have I subjective feelings? Are you kidding?
Plastic surgeries are thriving worldwide.
What impression would I have without my suit?

Rule number two:
Beware of the speech.
Do not talk about Bertrand Russel nor about Alain.
Never, you will make enemies. Instead, if you talk,
say something about the weather, about millions of 
Michael Jordan, or about something that sounds phony 
which gives joy and avoid headaches.
Stay shunned from tough and true speaking.

Rule number three:
Believe in this quotation: "Ignorance is bliss". 
Which is magnificent and really okay with me.The more
I try to understand something, the more disgusting it feels.

Rule number four: 
Give the good impression; and
just the impression. Never give the essential like advise or good 
suggestions; keep them for you in order to prevail. Remember that
you are not alone to perform this strategies and then you are right.

Rule number five: 
Practice to listen and to judge aftermath.
As I lack knowledge and self-freedom, I always
crave to know from others mainly to get satisfaction out of their 

Rule number six: 
Be proud of yourself. Do like others and you will be safe. play the 
same music. Think of that you are the best and you truly value a lot. 
What's more, you don't have weaknesses to utter.

Rule number seven: 
Don't talk to the curious, avoid them.
Refrain from and flee everyone who smells something involved 
in Union, collectivity and the like.

Rule number eight: 
Beware of the pickpockets. Your money is yours.
If ever you want to show generous, give your odds and ends or
some malicious sweet words; people like that.

Rule number nine:
Do not believe in this quotation:
"The hottest places in hell are reserved for those who, 
in times of great moral crisis, maintain their neutrality."
Dante (1265-1321)
What impression should I have if the crisis weren't in place?
I am not up to be plain. Forget that! 

Rule number ten:
Do as I did. Be different to be brilliant.

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