Linked lists, FIFO & LIFO
1. The principale class
import java.io.*;
class TheNext {
private int Value;
private TheNext Next;
public TheNext (int TheValue){
Value = TheValue;
public int getValue() {
return Value;
public TheNext getNext() {
return Next;
public void setValue (int TheValue) {
Value = TheValue;
public void setNext (TheNext ThisNext){
Next = ThisNext;
}//End of the class TheNext
2. Linked LIFO order class
public class LifoList {
static void Display (TheNext ThisList){
if (ThisList != null){
System.out.println ("\n\tIn the LIFO order, the list contains :");
int rank = 0;
while(ThisList !=null){
System.out.println ("\n\t" + ++rank + ")\t" + ThisList.getValue());
ThisList = ThisList.getNext();
System.out.println ("\n");
System.out.println ("The list is empty \n");
static int nbElements (TheNext TheList, int nbMax)
int n = 0;
while(TheList !=null){
if (TheList.getValue() >
nbMax) n++;
TheList = TheList.getNext();
return n;
static void PrintThis (TheNext ThisList){
int nbLimit = 17;
Display (ThisList);
System.out.println ("\n\tThe number of elements with the value
greater than 7 is: " + nbElements(ThisList, nbLimit));
public static void main (String [] args) throws IOException {
TheNext ThisList = ReadNumbers();
PrintThis (ThisList);
static TheNext ReadNumbers()throws IOException {
char TheResponse;
TheNext Head = null;
TheNext tempo = null;
int Value;
do {Value = ReadUtilities.ReadInteger("\n\tEnter an integer: --> ");
tempo = new TheNext(Value);
Head = tempo;
TheResponse = ReadUtilities.ReadCharacter ("\n\tDo you
want to continue ? y/n: --> ");
TheResponse = (char) ( TheResponse + 'A' - 'a');
} while(TheResponse == 'Y');
return Head;
}//End of LifoList
3. Linked FIFO order class
import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.text.DecimalFormat;
class TheNext {
private int Value;
private TheNext Next;
public TheNext (int TheValue){
Value = TheValue;
public int getValue() {
return Value;
public TheNext getNext() {
return Next;
public void setValue (int TheValue) {
Value = TheValue;
public void setNext (TheNext ThisNext){
Next = ThisNext;
}//End of the class TheNext
public class FifoList {
static void PrintThis (TheNext ThisList){
Display (ThisList);
static void Display (TheNext ThisList){
if (ThisList != null){
System.out.println ("\n\tThe list contains in the FIFO order:");
int rank = 0;
while(ThisList !=null){
System.out.println ("\n\t"+ ++rank + ")\t" + ThisList.getValue());
ThisList = ThisList.getNext();
System.out.println ("\n");
System.out.println ("The list is empty \n");
static TheNext ReadTheFile (String TheFile)throws IOException {
DataInputStream ReadFile = new DataInputStream(new
FileInputStream (TheFile));
int rank = 0;
int Value = 0;//Any value
TheNext TheHead = null;
TheNext tempo = null;
TheNext TheCurrent = null;
boolean TheEndOfFile = false;
while (!TheEndOfFile)
try {
Value = ReadFile.readInt();
catch (EOFException e)
TheEndOfFile = true;
if (TheHead !=null)
if (!TheEndOfFile) {
tempo = new TheNext(Value);
if (TheHead == null)
TheHead = tempo;
TheCurrent = tempo;
return TheHead;
public static void main (String [] args) throws IOException {
TheNext ThisList = ReadTheFile ("C:/(Directories to a binary file/YourFile.dat");
PrintThis (ThisList);
}//End of FifoList
4. Binary Output File
import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;
/** This program will write a primitive type data array to a binary file.
The mainly Java two methods to use is FileOutputStream OutPutFile =
new FileOutputStream (InputFile);
DataOutputStream data_out = new DataOutputStream (OutputFile);
This example gives the binary file related to the sum of the first itegers
according to the formula: 1 + 2 + 3 + 3 + ... + n = n (n+1)/2.
The out put file calledSumFirstNumbers.dat will be used to be read in
the example of FIFO order.
public class BinaryOutputFile
public static void main (String arg[]) {
// Create an integer array Table
int [] Table = new int[10];
// Fill in the Table
for (int i= 0; i < Table.length; i++) {
Table[i] = i*(i + 1)/2;
//First, create, the file TheFile
File Thefile = null;
// Get the output file name from the argument line.
if (arg.length > 0) Thefile = new File (arg[0]);
if (Thefile == null) {
Thefile = new File ("SumFirstNumbers.dat");
// or by using a default name for the file
System.out.println ("\n\tDefault: SumFirstNumbers.dat");
// Next, write the data array to the file.
try {
// Create an output stream to the file.
FileOutputStream OutPutFile = new FileOutputStream (Thefile);
// Wrap the FileOutputStream with a DataOutputStream
DataOutputStream OutPutData = new DataOutputStream (OutPutFile);
// Write the data to the file
for (int i= 0; i< Table.length; i++) {
OutPutData.writeInt (Table[i]);
// Close the file..
OutPutFile.close ();
catch (IOException e) {
System.out.println ("IO exception = " + e );
} // main
} // class BinaryFile
5. Utilities for reading
import java.io.*;
public class ReadUtilities {
static String ReadString (String info)
throws IOException{
BufferedReader TheInput = new BufferedReader (
new InputStreamReader(System.in));
return TheInput.readLine();
static char ReadCharacter(String info) throws IOException
return ReadString(info).charAt(0);
static double ReadDouble(String info) throws IOException {
Double z = new Double (ReadString(info));
return z.doubleValue();
static int ReadInteger(String info) throws IOException {
return Integer.parseInt(ReadString(info));