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isPrime function:

This function tests whether an integer is prime..

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2 and 3 equations systems solving :

To solve the 2 and 3 equations systems with 2 and 3 variables ..

Interpolation and Extrapolation :

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   isPrime function


Is it prime? function

1. The method /* Here isPrime function to test if the entered positive integer number is prime or not. The related algorithm is the following: int isPrime(int x){ int i; int is_prime=1; for(i = 2; i <= x/2; i++){ if((x % i) == 0) is_prime = 0; } return is_prime; } The integer 2 is prime. To test whether an integer "x" is prime, we calculate its modulo (x,n); n varies from 2 to x/2. Note that the division of x by the numbers between x/2 and x( x excluded) gives float numers between 2 and 1, then in this range, we have never mod(x,n) = 0. It is then reasonable to stop evaluating the modulo at x/2. 2. Example in C language: */ #include int isPrime(int x){ int i; int is_prime=1; for(i = 2; i <= x/2; i++){ if((x % i) == 0) is_prime = 0; } return is_prime; } int main() { float number; float decimal_part; int integer_part; printf("n Enter a positive integer: -->"); scanf("%f", &number); integer_part= (int)number; decimal_part = number - integer_part; if(number <=0) printf("n Enter a positive integer! n"); else if(decimal_part !=0) printf("n Enter an integer! n"); else if(isPrime(integer_part) == 1) printf("n The entered number %d is prime.n",integer_part); else printf("n The entered number %d is not prime.n",integer_part); return 0; } 3. Example in Fortran90 language: LOGICAL FUNCTION is_it_prime(Number) IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER :: Number INTEGER :: Div IF (Number == 2) THEN is_it_prime = .TRUE. ELSE IF (MOD(Number, 2) == 0) THEN is_it_prime = .FALSE. ELSE Div = 3 DO IF (MOD(Number,Div)==0) EXIT Div = Div + 2 END DO is_it_prime = Div == NUMBER ! Divide untill Divisor = Number, to make sure that the integer is prime END IF END FUNCTION is_it_prime ! Main program !------------- PROGRAM is_prime IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER :: Number LOGICAL :: is_it_prime !Get an integer: WRITE(*,*) "n Enter an integer: --> " READ(*,*) Number IF (is_it_prime(Number)) THEN WRITE(*,*) "The number", Number , " is prime. n" else WRITE(*,*) "The number", Number , " is not prime. n" END IF END PROGRAM is_prime

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