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least squares function :

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   least squares function


least squares function

1. Definition: In the least squares method, the sum of the distances between the observed (yi) and calculated (f(xi, pi))values must be minimum. The square of this distance is equal to l2 = yi - f(xi, pi), and the sum is L2 = ∑ (yi - f(xi, pi)). That's the value we minimize with respect to the parameters pi. In the case of a linear function, f(xi, pi) is written as a x + b, and the related parameters are the slope (a) and the y_intercept (b). To draw an approximative linear equation of type y = a x + b, that should give the best fit for the drawn data points, we need to know its slope (a) and its y_intercept (b). Here, we show how to calculate the slope and the y_intercept 2. The program in C language: #include <stdio.h> #include <math.h> int get_number() { int num; printf("n How many points will you represent ?: --> "); scanf("%d", &num); return num; } int main() { int num = get_number(); float abscissas[num]; float ordinates[num]; printf("n Enter their x_coordinates:n"); int i; for (i = 0; i<num; i++) { scanf("%f", &abscissas[i]); } printf("n Enter their corresponding y_coordinates:n"); int j; for (j = 0; j<num ;j++) { scanf("%f", &ordinates[j]); } float x1=0.0,y1=0.0,x2=0.0,xy=0.0; float num_slope, deno_slope, slope=0.0; float num_intercept, deno_intercept,intercept=0.0 ; for ( i = 0; i <= num - 1; i++) { x1 += abscissas[i]; y1 += ordinates[i]; x2 += abscissas[i] * abscissas[i]; xy += abscissas[i] * ordinates[i]; } num_slope = num*xy - x1*y1; deno_slope = num*x2 - x1*x1; if (deno_slope == 0){ printf("n The denominator is zero. n"); } else { slope = num_slope/deno_slope; } num_intercept = x2*y1 - x1*xy; deno_intercept = num*x2 - x1*x1; if (deno_intercept == 0){ printf("n The denominator is zero. n"); } else { intercept = num_intercept/deno_intercept; } printf("n The slope is : %2.2f, and the y_intercept is %2.2f . n", slope, intercept); printf("n"); if (intercept<0) printf("n The related linear equation is: y = %2.2f x %2.2f n", slope, intercept); else printf("n The related linear equation is: y = %2.2f x + %2.2f n", slope, intercept); return 0; }

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