Co.: company
e.g.: exempli gratia (for example)
i.e.: id est (that is)
encl.: enclosed
et al.: et alii (and others)
etc. = &c.: et cetera (and so on)
Inc. Incorporated
Ltd.: limited
mph: miles per hour
ms = M.S.: manuscript
P.S.: postscript
c/o in care of
a/c: account
I.O.U.: I owe you
i/c: in charge of
Dept.: department
Ad.: advertisement
No.: number
Cels.: Celsius
Deg.: degree
n.b.: note bene (note well)
Contd.: continued
p.t.o.: please turn over
p.: page
Pref.: preface
P.O.: Post Office
Pkg.: package
M.O.: Money Order
P.C. Post Card
AM/FM: amplitude modulation/frequency modulation (radio bands)
Btu: British thermal units (used to measure cooling/heating potential)
C.O.D: collect on delivery. Cash on delivery
D&B: Dunn & Bradstreet (Wall Street firm that rates companies)
ESP: extrasensory perception
IQ: intelligence quotient
rpm: revolution per minute
S.S.: social security (identification number)
UHF: ultrahigh frequency (TV band)
UN: United Nations
U.S.: United States
VHF: very high frequency (TV band)
vs.: versus (against)