
Find the simple past and the past participle of an irregular verb. Enter its infinitive without the preposition "to":
The basics





As nice as pie
Like father like son
Home sweet home
A friend in need (is a friend indeed)
Tomorrow is another day
Better than never
Eat drink and be merry
Two's company (three's crowd)
Beauty is only skin deep
It takes all shorts (to make a world)
All roads lead to Rome
There's no place like home
Many hands make light work
If you can't beat them (join them)
The early bird caches the worm
Charity begin at home
There are plenty more fish in the sea
A rose by any other name world smell as sweet
All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy
Home is where the heart is
Money doesn't grow on threes
Better the devil you know (than the devil you don't know)
There's no smoke without fire
Beggars can't de choosers
Time is money
Enough is a good as a feast
Knowledge is power
Blood is thicker than water
Least said (soonest mended)
A apple a day (keep the doctor away)
Better safe than sorry
Spare the road (and spoil the child)
Once bitter twice shy
Nothing centered (nothing gained)
Don't look a gift horse in the mouth
The way to a man's heart is though his stomach
The spirit is willing (but the fish is weak)
A fool and his money (are soon parted)
It's easier said than done
Silence is golden
A word to the wise is sufficient
Practice makes perfect
All's fair in love and war
Actions speak lower than words
You can't take it with you
Early to bed (easily to rise makes a man healthy)
One man's meat (is another man's poison)
When you have seen one (you have see them all)
When in Rome (do as the roman do)
Any port in a storm
One good turn deserve another
Health is better than wealth
Do as you would be done by
The proof of the pudding is in the eating
Too many cooks (spoil the broth)
There's no time like the present
You have only young once
Live and let live
There's no thing new under the sun
Prevention is better than cure
No sooner said than done
Great minds (think alike)
Absence makes the heart grow fonder
A change is as good as a rest
The grass is greener (on the other side)
Birds of a feather (flock together)
Variety is the spice of life
Half a loaf is better than more
Take care of the pennies (and the pounds will take care of themselves)
If the shoe fits (wear it)
A miss is as good as a smile
Seeing is believing
No news is good news
It never rains but it pours
Bad news travels fast
Necessity is the mother of intention
There but for the grace of God (go I)
Experience is the best teacher
Two wrongs don't make a right
Slow and steady wins the race
All's well that ends well

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