The basics
Using THE
1. Using a:
Do not use a or an before uncountable nouns as:
Bread, milk, information, advice, money, paper, news,
furniture, hair, weather...
We say a ... when there are many things and we have one of them.
2.Using THE:
We say:
- The: When it is clear which thing or person we mean:
- The top of, the end of, the same, the country, ....
- The police, the fire department, the army
- The musical instruments,
- The radio, but television (turn off the TV)
- Or for a second mention:
A cat has eaten a mouse. The mouse had eaten some cheese.
Use The for:
- Names of oceans, seals, rivers, canals
- Names + of
the university of Caracas.
- North, south, east, west, middle (of)....
- Islands, mountains (plural names) and:
The Netherlands, The United States, The United Kingdom.
3. Do not use The for:
- General ideas: Music, meat, life, water, exams, letters,
games and sports, languages or academic subjects...
- Name of places (continents, countries, provinces, states,
islands, cities, towns...)
But: The + republic, kingdom, states, union...
- Streets, roads, avenues, squares...
- Name of (person, place) + airport, station, university
But The + names of hotels, restaurants, theaters, museums...
- Dinner, breakfast, lunch
4.Don’t use the or a:
- Go, get, arrive, come, walk, leave home.
But to be, to stay home or at home.
- Go to, get to, be at, start, finish work
- Go to, be at, start, graduate from school
- Go to; be in: prison, college, bed
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