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Calculus I

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Calculus I: Continuity of function

1. Definition of continuity

A function f(x) is said to be continuous at a point (a, f(a))
if each of the following conditions is satisfied:

(1) f(a) is defined
(2) lim f(x) exists
     x → a
(3) lim f(x) = f(a)
     x → a

If "a" is a point in the domain of the function f, then the function f is continuous at x = a if and only if

lim f(x) = f(a)
x → a

A function f(x) is continuous if it is continuous at every point of its domain. The graph of f is a connected curve with no jumps or gaps.

2. Examples:

2.1. Example 1:

The function
f(x) = x2 + 1
is continuous in all its domain; that is ]- ∞, + ∞[

2.2. Example 2:

The function
f(x) = 1/(x - 2) is not continuous at the point x = 2; because f(2) is not defined.
Therefore is discontinuous at the point x = 2.

2.3. Example 3:

The function
f(x) = (x2 - 4)/(x - 2) is not continuous at the point x = 2; because the function is not defined at the point x = 2.

(x2 - 4)/(x - 2) is not continuous at the point x = 2.

2.4. Example 4:

The function
= + 2 if x >= 0
= - 2 if x < 0
We have f(2) = 0 , and
lim f(x) = 2
x → 0+
lim f(x) = - 2
x → 0-
lim f(x)
x → 0

The second condition is not satisfied, then
f is discontinuous at the point x = 0.

2.5. Example 5:

Determine if the following function is continuous at x = 1:
f(x) =
2 x - 1, if x ≠ 1
3 , if x = 1

(1) f(1) = 2(1) - 1 = 1, so f(1) exists , then the function f is defined at x = 1.
(2) lim f(x) = 3, exists
x → 1
(3) lim f(x) ≠ f(a)
x → a
The condition (3) is not satisfied, so the function f is not continuous at x = 1

3. Left and right continuity

3.1. Definitions

We have the following properties:
A function f is left continuous of x = a
if and only if
lim f(x) = f(a)
x → a-

A function f is right continuous of x = a
if and only if
lim f(x) = f(a)
x → a+

3.2. Example

f(x) = x - 3 if x > 3
f(x) = - (x - 3) if x < 3
f(x) = 0 if x = 3

We now consider the limits of f as x approaches 3 from the left (x < 3) where f(x) = - (x - 3):

lim f(x) = lim - (x - 3) = 0
x → 3-

We now consider the limits of f as x approaches 3 from the right (x > 3) where f(x) = + (x - 3).

lim f(x) = lim + (x - 3) = 0
x → 3+

The two limits are equal. So
lim f(x) = 0
x → 3

Then this limit exists and is equal to 0 .

lim f(x) = 0 = f(3)
x → 3

the function f is continuous at x = 3.
(and also for all values of x in R).

4. Continuity on open and closed interval

4.1. Definitions

We have the following properties:

A function f is continuous on an open interval ]a, b[
if the function f is continuous at any point
within this open interval.

A function f is continuous on an closed interval [a, b]
if the function f is :
a) continuous on the open interval ]a,b[
b) right continuous at a
c) left continuous at b

4.2. Example

The function
f(x) = (x - 2)1/2 is
- not left continuous at x = 2
- right continuous at x = 2
The function f is continuous on [2, + ∞[

5. Other properties

5.1. Properties

We have the following properties:

Any polynomial function is continuous on the whole real set R.

Any rational function is continuous on its domain.

Any irrational function of the form f(x) = [g(x)]1/n (n N) is continuous on its domain.
We may exclude the points of discontinuity on the bounds of this domain.

I f and g are two functions continuous on the interval I, then:
a) kf is continuous on I (k R)
b) f ± g is continuous on I,
c) f . g is continuous on I ,
d) f/g is continuous on I (except the values of the interval I which cancel the denominator)

5.2. Examples

The function
f(x) = (x - 2)1/2 is
- not left continuous at x = 2
- right continuous at x = 2
The function f is continuous on ]2, + ∞[

3. Exercises:

Determine the continuity of the following function:

f(x) = (x2 - 16)/(x - 4)
at the point x = 0,
at the point x = 4
at the point x = 5

f(x) = √(x - 3)
at the point x = 0,
at the point x = 3
at the point x = 3+
at the point x = 3-

f(x) = √(x - 3)
at the point x = 0,
at the point x = 3
at the point x = 3+
at the point x = 3-


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