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   Calculus III



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Calculus III:

Spherical coodinates system
Volume element in spherical coodinates system
Triple integrals in spherical coordinates

1. Using spherical coodinates system

To integrate a three variables functions using the spherical coordinates system, we then restrict the region E down to a spherical wedge. That is:

a ≤ r ≤ b
α ≤ θ ≤ β
δ ≤ φ ≤ γ

2. The volume element in spherical
coodinates system

The volume element in spherical coodinates system is:

dV = r2 dr sin θ dθ dφ

3. The integral formula in spherical
coodinates system

The integral formula in spherical coodinates system is:


Example 1

Evaluate ∫∫∫E dV , where E is the sphere
x2 + y2 + z2 = R2.
Evaluate then the volume unit.

dV = dx dy dz = r2 dr sin θ dθ dφ

The region E is delimited by:

0 ≤ r ≤ R
0 ≤ θ ≤ π
0 ≤ φ ≤ 2π


∫∫∫E dV = ∫00π 0R r2 dr sin θ dθ dφ

01 r2 dr = (r3/3)0R = R3/3

0π R3(1/3) sin θ dθ = (R3/3) ∫0π ( - cos θ)0π =
- (R3/3)(- 1 - 1) = 2R3/3

0 2R3/3 dφ = 2π x (2R3/3) = 4R3π/3


∫∫∫E dV = (4π/3)R3

R = 1 gives the volume unit:

∫∫∫E dV = 4π/3

Example 2

Evaluate ∫∫∫E 2 z dV , where E is the upper half of
the sphere x2 + y2 + z2 = 1 .

dV = dx dy dz = r2 dr sin θ dθ dφ

The region E is delimited by:

0 ≤ r ≤ 1
0 ≤ θ ≤ π/2
0 ≤ φ ≤ 2π


∫∫∫E 2 z dV = ∫00π/201 2 r cos θ r2 dr sin θ dθ dφ

01 2 r cos θ r2 dr = 2 cos θ ∫01 r3 dr = 2 cos θ (r4/4)01 = (1/2) cos θ

0π/2 (1/2) cos θ sin θ dθ = (1/8) ∫0π/2 sin 2θ d2θ = - (1/8) ( cos 2θ)0π/2 = = - (1/8)(- 1 - 1) = 1/4

0 1/4 dφ = 2π x (1/4) = π/2


∫∫∫E 2 z dV = π/2

Example 3

010√(4 - y2)√(x2 + y2)√(8 - x2 - y2) (x2 + y2 + z2) dz dx dy
into the integral in termes of spherical coordinates.

The limits for the variables are:

0 ≤ y ≤ 1
0 ≤ x ≤ √(4 - y2)
√(x2 + y2) ≤ z ≤ √(8 - x2 - y2)

Notice that x2 + y2 + z2 = 8 is the 3D equation of the sphere of radius 2√2, and

z2 = x2 + y2 is the 3D equation of the cone.

The x's are positves, the y's are also positive. So the region D is the quarter disk in the first quadrant of the xy-plane. that is :

0 ≤ φ ≤ π/2

The lower and upper bound for z are posives. So D is the first octant.

The lower bound for z = √(x2 + y2). So z2 = x2 + y2

The upper bound for z = √(8 - x2 - y2). So z2 = 8 - x2 - y2. Or x2 + y2 + z2 = 8. Hence

0 ≤ r ≤ √8 = 2√2

To determine θ we solve for where the cone and the sphere intersect:

x2 + y2 + z2 = 8
z2 + z2 = 8 → z = 2.

Since z = r cos θ. Then 2 = 2√2 cos θ → cos θ = θ = π/4

The range for θ is then:

0 ≤θ ≤ π/4

Hence, the integral becomes:

02√20π/40π/2 r4 dr sin θ dθ dφ


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