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Relativity: Riemann tensor

1. Function-Operator Commutator

We will use the notation:
ν = ∂/ ∂xν

The cmmutator [∂ν, f(x)] is :
[∂ν, f(x)] = ∂ν. f(x) - ∂νf(x)

[∂ν, f(x)]V(x) = [∂ν f(x) - f(x) ∂ν]V(x) =
ν (f(x) V(x)) - f(x) ∂νV(x) =
f(x) ∂νV(x) + V(x) ∂νf(x) - f(x) ∂νV(x) = V(x) ∂νf(x)

[∂ν, f(x)]V(x) = V(x) ∂νf(x)

ν = ∂/ ∂xν

[∂ν, f(x)]V(x) = V(x) ∂νf(x)

2. Parallel transport of a vector: Riemann tensor

If, along a curve, a vector transported parallely, comes back to its initial direction, there is no curvature. Otherwise, if the final direction is deviated with respect to its initial direction, there is a curvature which is expressed by the Riemann tensor.

The parallel transport of a vector V along the path ABCD is writtena as:

[(VC - VD) - (VB VA)] - [(VC VB) - ( VD - VA')] =
VA - VA' = ∂V

∂V = [∂μ ∂ν∇μν - ∂μ ∂ν∇νμ]V
= ∂μ ∂ν[∇ν, ∇μ]V

∂V = ∂μ ∂ν[∇ν, ∇μ]V = ∂μ ∂ν RνμV
Rνμ = [∇ν, ∇μ]

Rνμ = [∇ν,∇μ]

More precisely:

∂Vα = ∂μ ∂ν RαμνβVβ

∂Vα = ∂μ ∂ν Rαμνβ Vβ

We have:
ν = ∂ν + Γν

∂V = ∂μ ∂ν∇[ (∂ν + Γν)(∂μ + Γμ) - (∂μ + Γμ)(∂ν + Γν) ]V

νμ = ∂μν (the ordinary derivatives commute), so
∂V = ΓνΓμ - ΓμΓν - [∂μ, Γν] + [∂ν, Γμ]

We have:
[∂μ, Γν]V(x) = V(x) ∂μΓν
[∂ν, Γμ]V(x) = V(x) ∂νΓμ

∂V = ∂μ ∂ν∇[ΓνΓμ - ΓμΓν + ∂νΓμ - ∂μΓν]V(x)

With indexes:
∂V = ∂μ ∂ν∇[ ΓανδΓδμβ - ΓαμδΓδνβ + ∂νΓδμβ - ∂μΓδνβ]V(x)

Let's write:
Rανμβ = ΓανδΓδμβ - ΓαμδΓδνβ + ∂νΓδμβ - ∂μΓδνβ

Rανμβ = ΓανδΓδμβ - ΓαμδΓδνβ + ∂νΓδμβ - ∂μΓδνβ

Which is the Riemann curvature tensor.

It can be written as:

∂Vα = ∂μ ∂ν Rαμνβ Vβ

3. Properties of Riemann curvature tensor

1. In the Minkowski (4-dimentional flat space time) , covariant derivatives reduce to partial derivatives and give a zero Rieman tensor.

The curvature is zero in a flat space.

2. The Christoffel coefficients are:
Γβμν = (1/2)[∂gμβ/∂xν + ∂gjk/∂xμ - ∂gμν/∂xβ]

3. In the local frame, the basis vectors gμ are constant, so the related Christoffel coefficients are zero. But their partial derivatives are not zero.

It remains then for the Riemann tensor:

Rαβμν = ∂αΓμνβ - ∂βΓμνα

With the expressions of the Christoffel symbols:
Γkij = (1/2)[∂gik/∂xj + ∂gjk/∂xi - ∂gij/∂xk]

we obtain:
Rαβμν = ∂α[(1/2)[∂gμβ/∂xν + ∂gνβ/∂xμ - ∂gμν/∂xβ] -
β[ (1/2)[∂gμα/∂xν + ∂gνα/∂xμ - ∂gμν/∂xα] =
[(1/2)[∂gμβ/∂xνα + ∂gνβ/∂xμα - ∂gμα/∂xνβ - ∂gνα/∂xμβ ]

4. Rαβμν is
antisymmetric with α and β exchange,
antisymmetric with μ and ν and exchange,
symetric with αβ and μν exchange, and
Rαβμν + Rανβμ + Rανμβ = 0

4. Ricci tensor, Ricci scalar

The Ricci tensor Rαμ is defined as the contraction of the Riemann tensor:

Rαμ = gβνRαβμν

which is symmetric like Rieman curvature tensor:

Rαμ = Rμα

The Ricci scalar R is defined as the contraction of the Ricci tensor Rαμ:

R = gαμ Rαμ

Ricci tensor: Rαμ = gβνRαβμν

Ricci scalar: R = gαμ Rαμ


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