Euler-Lagrange equation  
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Physics: Lagrange equation

1. Euler Lagrange equation

When a particle of mass m moves along a displacement x(t), with a speed v(t) from an initial time ti to a final time tf, we can express this motion by a function L(x(t),x'(t)). This function has dimension of energy.

We want to find an equation for this function using the least action principle.

We will use the notations: x(t) = p(t) and v(t) = q(t), so q(t) = dp(t)/dt.

The action of the particle is by definition :

S = ∫ dt L(p(t), q(t))
from ti to tf

S = ∫dt L(p(t), q(t))

from ti to tf

The variation δS can be written as δS =
δ ∫ dt L(p(t),q(t)) = ∫ dt δL(p(t),q(t))
from ti to tf

The action is minimum if the variation δS is zero.
δS = 0

δS = 0

That is

δ ∫ dt L(p(t),q(t)) = ∫ dt δL(p(t),q(t)) = 0
from ti to tf

The variation δL(p(t),q(t)) can be written as a total differential:

δL(p(t),q(t)) = [∂L/∂p]δp + [∂L/∂q]δq
∫ dt[∂L/∂p]δp + ∫ dt[[∂L/∂q]δq = 0

With δq = d(δp)/dt, we have:

∫ dt[∂L/∂p]δp + ∫ dt[[∂L/∂q] d(δp)/dt = 0

The function L(p(t),q(t)) does not depend on the variable time t, so

∫ dt[∂L/∂p]δp + ∫ dt [∂L/∂q] d(δp)/dt = 0

The second term of this equation can be integrated by parts:

u = ∂L/∂q
du d(∂L/∂q)/dt . dt

v = δp
dv = d(δp)/dt . dt


∫ dt [∂L/∂q] d(δp)/dt = ∫ u dv = uv - ∫ vdu =
(∂L/∂q)δp - ∫ δp . d(∂L/∂q)/dt . dt
from ti to tf

(∂L/∂q)δp = 0
from ti to tf

It remains:

∫ dt[∂L/∂p]δp - ∫ δp . d(∂L/∂q)/dt . dt = 0
from ti to tf
= ∫ dt{(∂L/∂p) - d(∂L/∂q)/dt} δp dt = 0
from ti to tf

(∂L/∂p) - d(∂L/∂q)/dt = 0

That the Euler- Lagrange equation

∂L/∂p = d(∂L/∂q)/dt

2. Examples: Energy function

2.1. Moving particle in a field

A particle of mass m, moving along a displacement z,
with a potential energy V(z), and a velocity v, has the following energy function:

The Lagrangian energy function is set to be equal to the difference between kinetic energy and potential energy.

The kinetic energy is: (1/2)mv²
The potetial energy is: V(z)

L(z,v) = (1/2)mv² - V(z)

∂L/∂p = ∂L/∂z = - ∂V(z)/∂z

d(∂L/∂q)/dt = d(∂L/∂v)/dt = d(mv)/dt = m a

a is the acceleration of the particle. If the force acting on the particle is conservative, then - ∂V(z)/∂z = F , and we find Newton second law F = ma.

2.2. Simple pendulum

Consider a simple pendulum composed of an object of mass m and a massless string of constant length "l" in a gravitational field with acceleration g.

The motion of the pendulum is two-dimensional. The position of the object is:

x = l sin θ
y = l cos θ

The related velocity is:

x' = dx/dt = l cos θ dθ/dt
y' = dy/dt = - l sin θ dθ/dt


v² = x'² + y'² = l²(dθ/dt)²

The kinetic energy is

KE = (1/2) m v² = (1/2) m l²(dθ/dt)²

The zero-potential energy is chosen at θ = 0, so the potential energy at the position θ is:

PE = m g h = mgl(1 - cos θ)

The Lagrangian is:

L (θ, θ') = KE - PE = (1/2) m l²(dθ/dt)² - mgl(1 - cos θ)
θ' = θ/dt

We have:

∂L/∂θ = - mglsin θ
∂L/∂θ' = m l² (dθ/dt)
d(∂L/∂θ')/dt = m l² (d² θ/dt²)

The Euler-Lagrange equation is:

- mglsin θ = m l² (d² θ/dt²)

That is:

d² θ/dt² + (g/l)sin θ = 0

d²θ/dt² + (g/l)sin θ = 0

For small θ, we have:

d² θ/dt² + (g/l)θ = 0

d²θ/dt² + (g/l)θ = 0

This is the equation of the motion of a simple pendulum.


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