Newton's 3rd law  
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1. Massless string

A horizontal force F acts on a block A and moves it to the left. The block B is connected to the block A by a massless string. The whole system: "block A + string + block B" moves to the left at an acceleration a.

The free body diagram for the string gives according to Newton's second law:
TAonS - TBonS ms a
where ms is the mass of the string.

If the string is massless, then: ms = 0,
TAonS = TBonS    (1)

According to the Newton's third law:
TAonS = TSonA    (2), and
TBonS = TSonB    (3)

Using (1), yields:
TSonA = TSonB

TSonA = TSonB

The two forces TAonS = TSonB act as an action-reaction pair, and we can even omit the string.

If the string is massless, it can be omitted, and: TSonA = TSonB

2. Example:

Let's consider two blocks A and B, connected by a massless string, and pulled across a frictionless table toward left by a force F exerted toward left on A. We consider the mass of B is larger than the mass of A. How about the tensions on the strings?

If the string is massless, then: TBonA = TAonB

The net force of the system (two blocks + two strings) is oriented to the left, therefore, the two blocks accelerate to the left.

For the block blocks A, Newton's second law is written as follows:
TFonA - TBonA = mA a

TFonA = TBonA + mA a
TFonA > TBonA

For the block blocks B, Newton's second law is written as follows:
TAonB = mB a

TFonA > TBonA


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