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Physics :
Leading a portable ladder

Leading a portable ladder


We are often too busy to take into account some details that are sometimes very important. When we want to fix something set on the wall very high from the floor, we use very often a ladder. We know by practicing where to set approximately the the top of a ladder in order to prevent sliding and falling when we stand it. Knowing a little basic geometry and some knowledge of Physics could give us some tips to know exactly what to do in order to stay safe while working mounting a ladder. In this article, we will understand one important precaution to apply, derived from some Physics' laws, in order to prevent falling.


We will use, in this article, some basic notions of Physics; mainly the two conditions for equilibrium which are the static Newton's first law and the zero net torque for the system. The first states the translational equilibrium and the second the rotational equilibrium. Using Mathematics, the first statement is written as Σ F = 0 and the second as Στ(F) = 0. F stands for forces and τ for torques. Solving the related equations will be straightforward. We will search for the expression of N(reaction of the wall on the ladder); then the expression of the friction force; and comparing them to derive the condition for that the ladder does not slip. The result will give an important condition to know even if It seems obvious. At least, It will be understood that Physics is for something!

The problem:

Where would set the base of the ladder in order to stay safe while working from it?

Free-body diagram for all of the forces:

L is the length of the portable ladder.
OA = L/4
OB = L/2
OC = L
OD = Floor
DC = Wall

The forces in this system are:

• N : the reaction of the wall on the ladder. This force is horizontal because the wall is frictionless.

• f : is the friction force of the ladder on the floor.

• R : the vertical component of the reaction of the floor on the ladder. Note that the real reaction of the ground on the ladder is the sum of f and R.

• PS : the weight of John = g MS

• PL : the weight of the ladder = g ML

• g is acceleration gravity.

The solution:

John is stood up on the ladder at a point X.(OX = L/n). n is any integer from 0 to 1; L/n is the ladder's working length.

The first condition for equilibrium (the force balance equation) for the system (John and the ladder) is:

Σ F = 0. That is:

• Over Ox: f = N      (1)

• Over Oy: R = PS + PL      (2)

This law does not suffice to get the expression of the reaction N that we are searching for. We need the use of the torque balance equation (the net torque about any axis in null). That is :

Στ(Forces/axis) = 0. (the chosen axis is set on the floor, perpendicular to R and f).

Σ τ(R) + τ(f) + τ(PS) + τ(PL) + τ(N) = 0      (3)
= 0 + 0 - (L/n)cosθ PS - (L/2)cosθ PL + Lsinθ N = 0

That is:

+ (L/n)cosθ PS + (L/2)cosθ PL = L sinθ N      (4)


N = g cosθ[(1/n) MS + (1/2) ML ] /sinθ

N = g cotgθ[(1/n) MS + (1/2) ML]      (5)

cotg θ = 1/tgθ = cosθ      (6)

Not down that the friction issue does not depend on the length of the ladder at all.

We know the the friction force can be written as:

f = μstatic R = μstatic g (MS + ML)      (7) μstatic is the coefficient of static friction.

Physics behind Mathematics

What's the purpose?

John wants to mount the latter safely while working on it. To have so, we must have friction abound the base of the ladder. No friction means that the ladder will slide and John will fall and likely be injured. That's not very pleasant! Anyway, without friction on the base of the ladder, we can't even set the ladder oblique; and it must stay vertical absolutely! f = 0, yields:

cotgθ = 0 , thus cosθ = 0 , θ = π/2 = 90o.      (8)

We need friction in the system. Friction governs the stability of the ladder. But, even with friction, the fact that the ladder slides (then moves) means that we have lost the equilibrium for the system. The issue is then shifted to a dynamics problem. In this case, the second Newton's law tell us Σ F = N - f = M a (M is the mass of the system which is MS + ML; and a is its acceleration. The system slides over the horizontal axis). Note that in these circumstances, f = μkineticMg. To maintain the ladder stable, that is the system at rest, the friction force f must be greater than N (f > N) Comparing the two relationships (5) and (7) yields:

• The threshold ( When the ladder is on the verge of slipping) is given by: μstatic g (MS + ML) = g cotgθ[(MS/n) + (ML/2)]      (9)

• The condition for the ladder to not slide is:

μstatic g (MS + ML) > g cotgθ[(MS/n) + (ML/2)]      (10) Rearranging, we find:

μstatic (MS + ML) > cotgθ[(MS/n) + (ML/2)]

Wood as well as steel have a weak coefficient of friction, but they remain heavy material. Aluminum is often used as a substance to make ladders. A ladder, generally weights about 50 N (mass of 5 kg). John weights about 800 N (mass of 160 lbs = 80 kg). It is a good approximation to disregard ML regarding MS. ( Of course, this approximation is not valid for a child of mass about ML!)

The inequality above becomes:

μstatic > (cotgθ)/n      (11)

That is :

cotg θ < n μstatic

Using the expression of cotgθ It follows that: Floor / Wall < n μstatic (Recall Floor = OD and Wall = DC)      (12)

The coefficient of static friction is always less than 1. Thus: Floor / Wall < n .

n is the the ratio of the length of the ladder and the ladder's standing length. Note that this result is an extreme limit.


1. To be safe at the middle of the ladder (n = 2), extend the base of the ladder at the most the double of the length of the wall on the ground.

2. When we are working on a ladder, the reality is that we are limited by the length of our arm which measures about 24 feet (60 cm). To fix something set at the distance d from the top of the ladder. This limitation; using similar triangles (See figure 2) gives:

arm / d = Floor / Wall         (13)

Which is the extreme limit.

Of course we must have:

arm / d < Floor / Wall

The distance d is generally greater than the width of the arm; thus

Floor / Wall < 1

That is Floor < Wall, which is a situation without any danger.


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