Graphics components, Canvas

import java.applet.*; 
import java.awt.*; 

public class TheComponents extends Applet 
Choice SelectThis = new Choice ();

String txt;
TextField ThisTextField = new TextField (" Here the text field");

Checkbox ThisCheck = new Checkbox("Check a box:"); 

Label Label1 = new Label("label 1");

Scrollbar ThisScroll =  new Scrollbar (Scrollbar.VERTICAL, 0, 8, -100, 100); 
public void init(){
Choice SelectThis1 = new Choice ();
add (SelectThis);



add(new Label("label 2", Label.RIGHT)); 



// Extending from convas
a Canvas is a graphic region where we can draw geometrical figures, such as a 
rectangle, an oval, etc ... The object g in the method paint() is a canvas.

Canvas class can extends from awt ( Abstract Windowing Toolkit ) class; as it does 
Graphics class (java.awt.Canvas like java.awt.Graphics)

The class Canvas contains the methods:
  public Canvas();
  public void addNotify();
  public void paint(Graphics g);


// To run the below, comment the above. ---------------------------------

import java.awt.*;
import java.applet.*;

public class TheComponents extends Applet { 
	public TheComponents() { 
	//setSize(100, 50);  not pertinent
	public void init() {
	//Here, we can add the  greenRectagle object.
	this.add(new GreenRectangle());
	String ThisText1 = "a Canvas is a graphic region where we can draw geometrical figures,";
	String ThisText2 = "such as a rectangle, an oval, etc ...";
	String ThisText3 = "The object g in the method paint is a canvas.";

	public void paint(Graphics g) { 
	g.drawRect(50, 150, 500, 100);  
	g.drawString(ThisText1, 75,175); 
	g.drawString(ThisText2, 75,200); 
	g.drawString(ThisText3, 75,225); 
public class GreenRectangle extends Canvas {
	public void paint(Graphics g) {

	Dimension d = this.getSize();
	g.fillRect(0, 10, d.width, d.height);
	//g.fillRect(100, 200, 100, 200);

	public Dimension getMinimumSize() {
	return new Dimension(200, 200);  
	//return new Dimension(50, 100);  

	public Dimension getPreferredSize() {
	return new Dimension(150, 100);  // The most considered.

	public Dimension getMaximumSize() {
	return new Dimension(200, 400);  
	}// End of class GreenRectangle 

	}//End of class TheComponenets

//---------------- end. ------------------


© The Scientific Sentence. 2007