First applet              The related applet

1. Introduction
The main class to import is AWT (Abstract Windowing Toolkit)which is a set 
of calasses allowing graphical interfaces. The class Graphics is a class of 
The supper class is Applet, java.applet is a package of the class Applet.

We imort then:
import java.awt.*;
import java.applet.*;

Graphics class Methods applied on an object:
if g is an object of the class Graphics, we have:
g.drawString(a string, x value, y value);//Dispaly a string in a certain position
g.drawLine(xA,yA,xB,yB);//Line between the point A(xA,yA) and the point B(xB,yB).
g.drawRect(xA,yA,xD,yD)//Rectancle (A,B,C,D), with the first and the last points.
g.drawArc(xA,yA,withRectange. lengthRectangle, 0Angle, Angle);//draw an arc 
inside a rectangle

Two principal predefined methods:
void int() and void paint (Graphics g).

1. Initialization:
We initialize fonts, dimentions pictures ,...
Here we initialize fonts
public void init(){
The constructor Font of the class Font has three parameters:
font-family, font-style, and font-size, we write: 
setFont(new Font("font-familty", Font.STYLE , size));
We can have a combinaition of styles as: Font.ITALIC + Font.BOLD
We use geleraly  Font.ITALIC,Font.BOLD, and Font.PLAIN

2. Drawing
public void paint(Graphics g){
String Regards = "Regards";// seven characters
Position of each character of the string 
int [][] Position {{xR,yR}, {xe,ye} , {xg,yg} , {xa,ya} , {xr,yr}, {xd,yd}, {xs,ys}};
Let's set color:
//Using drawString method, we can write:
for (int i = 0;  i < Regards.length(); i++){
g.drawString(Regards.substring(i,i+1), Position[i][x], Position[i][y]);
Whatever x and y. Example: x = 0 and y =1.

2. Applet program example

import java.awt.*;
import java.applet.*;

public class Regards extends Applet {

static void Display(Graphics g, String text, int x, int y)
	g.setFont(new Font("Bookman old style", Font.ITALIC+Font.BOLD,17));
public void paint (Graphics g){
	String text1 ="The file that contains the class Regards is named:";
	String text2 ="Compiled with : javac, gives rise to : Regards.class.";
	String text3 ="It is not an application that runs with: java Regards, command line." ;
	String text4 ="But the browser shows Regards.class , that is the applet. " ;
	Display(g, text1,100,100);
	Display(g, text2,100,150);
	Display(g, text3,100,200);
	Display(g, text4,100,250);
