![]() Writing files The colored, to comment. |
/** This program shows how to write (create) a txt file. To create a txt file, we use mainly two calsses: PrintWriter and FileWriter: FileWriter TheFileToWrite = new FileWriter (NameOfFile); PrintWriter TheOutputFile = new PrintWriter (TheFileToWrite); Or, in one line: PrintWriter TheOutputFile = new PrintWriter (new FileWriter (NameOfFile)); To write, we apply the method print or println to the object TheOutputFile of the Java predefined class PrintWriter: TheOutputFile.println(" ") ; We use TheOutputFile.close(); to close the file. */ /* In this example, we write the file FibonacciN.txt of the first N+1 integers. */ import java.io.*; public class WriteFiles { static int Fibonacci (int n){ if (n <=1) return n; else return Fibonacci (n-1) + Fibonacci (n-2); } static void FileFibonacci (int nbMax, String TheFile)throws IOException { PrintWriter ThisFile = new PrintWriter ( new FileWriter(TheFile)); for (int k = 0; k<= nbMax; k++) ThisFile.println ("Fibonacci(" + k + ")\t" + Fibonacci(k)); ThisFile.close(); System.out.println ("The file :" + TheFile + " is created."); } public static void main (String [] args) throws IOException { if (args.length == 2){ int nbMax = Integer.parseInt(args[0]); String TheFile = args[1]; FileFibonacci(nbMax, TheFile); } } /* Compile: C:\Java> javac WrieFiles.java Execute: First argument = 10 , We will have then Fibonacci values of the eleven first integers, Second argument: Fibonacci10.txt : the file will be written as Fibonacci10.txt. C:\Java> java WriteFiles 10 Fibonacci10.txt The file :Fibonacci10.txt is created. We can open the file Fibonacci10.txt to see: Fibonacci(0) 0 Fibonacci(1) 1 Fibonacci(2) 1 Fibonacci(3) 2 Fibonacci(4) 3 Fibonacci(5) 5 Fibonacci(6) 8 Fibonacci(7) 13 Fibonacci(8) 21 Fibonacci(9) 34 Fibonacci(10) 55 */ /*Recall: C:\Java> java Class Fisrt_arg Second_arg(file) */ PrintWriter TheOutputFile = new PrintWriter (new FileWriter (NameOfFile)); |