Stacks       Stack extends from Vector of java.util

I. Introduction

The Java.util package contains the class  Vector which conatins the 
class Stack. That is the class Stack inherites the class Vector. In 
Java literature, we write: 
public class java.util.Stack extends java.util.Vector{constructors, methods, coding, ...}
Forethermore, all the method of the class Vector can be used by 
the class Stack:
public Stack(); (the empty constructor)
public boolean empty(); (Is the pile empty?)
public Object peek(); (Checks the object at the top of the pile)
public Object pop(); (pops up the object from the top of the pile)
public Object push (Object AnItem); (puts an item at the top of the pile)
public int search (Object AnObject); ( returns the rank of the object AnObject starting 
from the top of the pile)

In this example:
println (ThePile); will print all theelement of the pile ThePile. It uses toString() 
method from the super class Vector (the method toString() doesn't exist in Stack class)
size(); comes from Vector class
push.(Object AnItem) comes from addElement of the Vector class 
	public Object push (Object AnItem){
	return AnItem;
Stack inherits (extends) from Vector.
II. The program

import java.util.*;// package containing Vector class, then Stack class

public class TheStack {

static void ToPile (Stack ThePile, String [] TheWeek) {//fil out the pile
//Castinh here with  in order to avoid deprecation : Compile with -Xlint option.
	for (int k = 0; k < TheWeek.length ; k++){

static void Display (Stack ThePile, String info){
System.out.println("\n\t" +info + ", the pile is empty. Its sise is: " + ThePile.size());
	else { 
	System.out.println(info + " , the pile contains : \n\t" + ThePile + "\n");

public static void main (String [] args) {

	String [] TheWeek = {//An array of the seven days of the week
	new String ("Sunday"), 
	new String ("Monday"), 
	new String ("Tuesday"), 
	new String ("Wednesday"), 
	new String ("Thursday"), 
	new String ("Friday"), 
	new String ("Saturday")};

	System.out.println("\n\tHi!, The last in, the first out");

	Stack ThePile = new Stack();

	Display (ThePile, "At first");// The pile is empty

ToPile (ThePile, TheWeek);//Filling out ThePile with the elements of TheWeek, and display and give its size.
Display (ThePile, "\n\tAfter piling 7 days");
System.out.println ("\tThe size of the pile is " + ThePile.size());
System.out.println ("\n\tThe number of days from Wednesday " +[2]));
System.out.println ("\n\tThe first element at the top of the pile is " + ThePile.peek());
System.out.println ("\n\tWe pop up  the top of the pile, which is " + ThePile.pop());
System.out.println ("\n\tThe size of the pile is then " + ThePile.size());
System.out.println ("\n\tThe first element at the top of the pile is then " + ThePile.peek()+ "\n");


}//End of class TheStack

III. Execution:

C:\Java>javac -Xlint
C:\Java>java TheStack
        Hi!, The last in, the first out
        At first, the pile is empty. Its sise is: 0
        After piling 7 days , the pile contains :
        [Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday]
        The size of the pile is 7
        The number of days from Wednesday 5
        The first element at the top of the pile is Saturday
        We pop up  the top of the pile, which is Saturday
        The size of the pile is then 6
        The first element at the top of the pile is then Friday