1. The Array @_
The values passed to a subroutine are stored in the default array @_.
To get these values, we use, shift function
The expression my ($number1) = shift;
means: get the first argument from @_ and assign it to $number1
sub Add1 {
my ($number1) = shift;
# get first argument from @_ and assign it to $number1
my ($number2) = shift;
# assign the second argument of @_ to $number2
my $sum = $number1 + $number2;
return $sum;
sub Add2 {
my ($number1,$number2) = @_;
my $sum = $number1 + $number2;
return $sum;
sub Add3 {
return ($_[0] + $_[1]);
$number1 = 34.00;
$number2 = 12,12;
$result1 = Add1($number1 ,$number2);
$result2 = Add2($number1 ,$number2);
$result3 = Add3($number1 ,$number2);
print " $result1 \n $result2 \n $result3";
2. Conditional Operator
(Is something TRUE) ? IF YES do SOMETHING : OTHERWISE other THING ;
The syntax is:
$number1 = -98.6754;
$number2 = ($number1 =~m{^-}) ? abs($number1) : $number1 + 10;
Will ouput 98.6754
3. References
Like in C language, A reference points to the variable to which it refers.
It contains the address of this variable.
In Perl, we can set a reference to a variable by placing a backslash "\" in
front of this variable:
my $sentence = 'Best regards .. ';
my $sentence_ref = \$sentence;
\$sentence is the reference of the variable $sentence.
$\$sentence will return the value of $sentenece, that is: Best regards ..
4. \Q...\E escape sequence
All the characters between the \Q and
the \E are interpreted as literal characters.
5. Output record separator $/
The default input record separator $/ (or$\) is set to the
newline \n. To empty is, we will set it as "undifined".
undef $/;
The output record separator is mainly used for the print
operator "\n". Default is undef; then set to the newline
character "\n".
Perl uses this variable to identify
where to break lines in a file.
For example if it sets a colon (:) to be used as the delimiter
$/ = ".";. Perl will break the file each time it encounters the
Here is the contents of the file test.txt:
On the desk is a prepositional phrase. It
consists of preposition and an
object of a preposition.
The object of preposition is a noun.
Astronauts walked on the moon in 1969.
Place is mentioned before time.
Here is the script:
# Per reads file into array
open (FILE, "ajaja.txt");
@lines = ;
# Now, iterate over the file and print each line
foreach $line (@lines)
print "- " . $line;
# print the related number of lines in the file:
$count = @lines;
print "\n";
print "$count lines in this file!\n";
- On the desk is a prepositional phrase. It
- consists of preposition and an
- object of a preposition.
- The object of preposition is a noun.
- Astronauts walked on the moon in 1969.
- Place is mentioned before time.
6 lines in this file!
undef $/;
- On the desk is a prepositional phrase. It
consists of preposition and an
object of a preposition.
The object of preposition is a noun.
Astronauts walked on the moon in 1969.
Place is mentioned before time.
1 lines in this file!
$/ = "of";
- On the desk is a prepositional phrase. It
consists of- preposition and an
object of- a preposition.
The object of- preposition is a noun.
Astronauts walked on the moon in 1969.
Place is mentioned before time.
4 lines in this file!
6. String Comparisons
$string =~ m/some_text/;
Returns true if the string $string contains a substring
"some_textt", false otherwise.
If we need only those strings where "some_text" appears
at the very beginning, we write:
$string =~ m/^some_text/;
If we want to know whether "some_text" is the very last
text in the string, we write:
$string =~ m/some_text$/;
Now, if we want the comparison to be true only
if $string contains nothinng but "some_text" , write:
$string =~ m/^some_text$/;
Now what if we want the comparison to be case insensitive,
we add the letter i after the ending delimiter:
$string =~ m/^some_text$/i;
The ^ operator indicates "beginning of string".
The $ operator indicates "end of string".
m: stands for "match"
=~ binding Operator, it binds a scalar expression to
a pattern match, s, or tr ,...