. | | Any single character except a newline |
^ | | The beginning of the line or string |
$ | | The end of the line or string |
* | | Zero or more of the last character |
+ | | One or more of the last character |
? | | Zero or one of the last character |
a.x | | a followed by ONE character then x |
^w | | w at the beginning of a line |
^wag | | wag at the beginning of a line |
x$ | | x at the end of a line |
xyz$ | | xyz at the end of a line |
xyd* | | xy followed by zero or more d characters |
.* | | Any string without a newline |
^$ | | A line with nothing in it. |
[xyz] | | Either x or y or z |
[^xyz] | | Neither x nor y nor z |
[a-z] | | Anything from a to z inclusive |
[^a-z] | | No lower case letters |
[a-zA-Z] | | Any letter |
[a-z]+ | | Any non-zero sequence of lower case letters |
abc|xyz | | Either abc or xyz |
(ab|xy)il | | Either abil or xyil |
(ax)+ | | Either ax or axax or axaxax or... |
\n | | A newline |
\t | | A tab |
\w | | Any alphanumeric (word) character.
The same as [a-zA-Z0-9_] |
\W | | Any non-word character.
The same as [^a-zA-Z0-9_] |
\d | | Any digit. The same as [0-9] |
\D | | Any non-digit. The same as [^0-9] |
\s | | Any whitespace character: space,
tab, newline, etc |
\S | | Any non-whitespace character |
\b | | A word boundary, outside [] only |
\B | | No word boundary |
\| | | Vertical bar |
\[ | | An open square bracket |
\) | | A closing parenthesis |
\* | | An asterisk |
\^ | | A carat symbol |
\/ | | A slash |
\\ | | A backslash |