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Perl Regular expressions
Regular expressions

A regular expression is contained in slashes

!~ does not match
=~ match

if($sentence !~ /the/)
	print "yes\n";
elsif ($sentence =~ /the/)
	print "no\n";

	print "nothing\n";

Omit these two operators and use $_

$_ = "Capes:Geoff::Shot putter:::Big Avenue";

$expression = "Regards and have a nice day .. ";

  if ($expression =~ /nice/)
	print "Nice words .. \n";

  $_ = "Regards and have a nice day .. ";
  if ( !/nice/)
	print "Nice words .. \n";
	print "No nice words .. \n";

2. Sustitution

We the "s" function. Example: -------- $sentence= "Regards and have a nice day .. "; To replace a first occurrence of "have a nice day " by ". Take care.." in the string $sentence, we use the following expression: $sentence =~ s/have a nice day /. Take care../; Or omit the mach operator, use the $_ variable: $_ = "Regards and have a nice day .. "; And issue: s/have a nice day /. Take care../; The following program: $sentence= "Regards and have a nice day .. "; print "$sentence \n"; $sentence =~ s/ and have a nice day/. Take care/; print "$sentence \n"; $_ = "Regards and have a nice day .. "; s/ have a nice day/. Take care/; print "$sentence \n"; Outputs: Regards and have a nice day .. Regards. Take care .. Regards. Take care .. If we need to make substitution of more than one string, we use the global option "g": Example: $_ = "Regards and have a nice day .. "; print "$_\n"; s/a/A/; print "$_\n"; s/a/A/g; print "$_\n"; outputs: Regards and have a nice day .. RegArds and have a nice day .. RegArds And hAve A nice dAy .. ------------------ To ignore case, we ust "i" option: Example: $_ = "Regards And have A nice day .. "; print "$_\n"; s/A/a/g; print "$_\n"; s/a/--/gi; print "$_\n"; thet outputs: Regards And have A nice day .. Regards and have a nice day .. Reg--rds --nd h--ve -- nice d--y ..


The tr function translates character-by-character. Example: ------- The following statement replaces each a with x, each b with y, and each c with z in the variable $sentence. $sentence = "best regards .. "; $sentence =~ tr/abc/xyz/; print "$sentence \n"; outputs: yest regxrds .. The following statement returns the number of repeated character. $count = ($sentence =~ tr/e/e/); print "$count \n"; outputs 2

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