Quantum Mechanics
Schrodinger equation
Quantum Mechanics
Propagators : Pg
Quantum Simple Harmonic Oscillator QSHO
Quantum Mechanics
Simulation With GNU Octave
© The scientific sentence. 2010
Fermi's golden rule
1. Transition probability between two states
Given a Hamiltonian
H(t) = H = H0 + V(t)
V(t) = 0 if t<= t0
V(t) = V(t) if t> t0
If |i> are the eigenstates of H0, then:
H0 |i> = Ei |i>
Let's consider the system in the state |i> = |φ(t0)>;
at the time t0, so at a later time "t", it is
in the state |φs(t)> = Σ cf(t)|f>
The transition probability from |i> to |f>
is equal to |cf(t)|2.
We have:
|φs>(t); = Us(t,t0)|i> so
<f|φ>(t); = <f|Σ cf(t)|f> = cf(t)
cf(t) = <f|φs(t)> = <f|Us(t,t0)|i> =
<f|exp{- iH0(t - t0)/ℏ}Ui(t,t0)|i>
|cf(t)|2 = |<f|Ui(t,t0)|i>|2
We already know:
Ui(t,t0) = exp {- (i/ℏ) ∫ Hint(τ) dτ}
from t0 to t.
|cf(t)|2 = |<f|exp {- (i/ℏ) ∫ Vi(τ) dτ}|i>|2
Therefore, at the first order:
Ui(t,t0) = 1 - (i/ℏ) ∫ Vi(τ) dτ
from t0 to t.
<f|Ui(t,t0)|i> = - (i/ℏ) ∫ <f|Vi(τ)|i> dτ
from t0 to t.
Recall: Vi(t) = exp{ iH0(t - t0)/ℏ}V(t)exp{- iH0(t - t0)/ℏ}, so:
<f|Ui(t,t0)|i> = - (i/ℏ) ∫ dτ <f|V(τ)|i> exp {i(Ef - Ei)(τ - t0)/ℏ}
from t0 to t.
Pi → f = |- (i/ℏ) ∫ dτ <f|V(τ)|i> exp {i(Ef - Ei)(τ - t0)/ℏ}|2
(τ: from t0 to t)
This is the transition probability of observing
the system in the target state |f> prepared in the
state |i> at time t, due to V(t).
This formula is known as the
state-to-state form- Fermi’s Golden Rule
2. Applications:
2.1. Time-independent perturbation:
V (t) = 0 if t <= 0
V (t) = V if t > 0 (independent of time)
We have in this case:
Pi → f = |- (i<f|V|i>/ℏ) ∫ dτ exp {i(Ef - Ei)(τ)/ℏ}|2 (τ: from t0 = 0 to t)
∫ dτ exp {i(Ef - Ei)(τ)/ℏ} = (ℏ/i)(Ef - Ei) [exp {i(Ef - Ei)t/ℏ} - 1]
1 - exp{ix} = 1 - cos x - i sin x
|1 - exp{ix}|2 = (1 - cos x - i sin x)(1 - cos x + i sin x) =
(1 - cos x)2 + sin2 x = 2 - 2 cos x = 2 (1 - cos x) = 4 sin2(x/2).
Pi → f = [4 |<f|V|i>|2/(Ef - Ei)2] sin2[(Ef - Ei)t/2ℏ]
Let's write: Ef - Ei = ℏ ω, so
Pi → f = [4 |<f|V|i>|2/ℏ2ω2] sin2[(ωt/2]
Now, let's write:
Pi → f = [ |<f|V|i>|2/ℏ2] f(ω)
and then set some properties of this function:
f(ω) = (4/ω2) sin2[(ωt/2]
1. lim f(ω) = t2
when fω → 0)
2. f(ω) = 0 if ωt/2 = kπ , that is ω = 2πk/t.
the max of the function is at ωt = 0. The first minimum is
at ω = 2π/t. Therefore the measure of this probability
is appreciable if ω < 2π/t or
ω < 2π/Δt. or ΔE Δt >=0 2πℏ,
E Δt = Ef - Ei. And we recognize in ΔE >=0 2πℏ/Δt
the incertainty principle.
gnuplot> set xrange [ 0 : 7 ]
gnuplot> set yrange [ 0 : 1.5 ]
gnuplot> plot (sin(x))**2/x**2
2.2. Time-independent perturbation at an infinite time
Now we want to set the formula for t that tends touward ∞,
that is:
lim Pi → f = [4 |<f|V|i>|2/ℏ2ω2] sin2[(ωt/2]
t → ∞
We know
∫ dx sin2(x)/x2 = π
x: - ∞ → +∞
Let's write:
∫ dx sin2(x)/x2 g(0) = πg(0)
- ∞ → + ∞
g is a function that we are going to determine.
Let x = ωt, so:
πg(0) = ∫ dx sin2(x)/x2 g(0) =
lim ∫ dx sin2(x)/x2 g(ω)
x:- ∞ → + &infin
t → ∞ or ω → 0
lim ∫ (1/t)dω sin2(ωt)/ω2 g(ω)
x:- ∞ → + &infin
t → ∞ or ω → 0
∫ lim (1/t) sin2(ωt)/ω2 g(ω) dω
x:- ∞ → + &infin
t → ∞ or ω → 0
Rewriting the equation gives:
∫ lim (1/t) sin2(ωt)/ω2 g(ω) dω = πg(0)
x:- ∞ → + &infin
t → ∞ or ω → 0
This equality is valid only if:
lim (1/t) sin2(ωt)/ω2 = πδ(ω)
according to the property of Dirac function wich is:
∫f(x) δ(x - a) = h(a)
x:- ∞ → + ∞
lim (1/t) sin2(ωt)/ω2 = πδ(ω)
as we see:
∫ πδ(ω) g(ω) dω = πg(0)
x:- ∞ → + ∞
Our probability, at t → + ∞ becomes:
lim Pi → f = [4 |<f|V|i>|2/ℏ2] sin2[(ωt/2] / ω2
t → ∞
= [4 |<f|V|i>|2/ℏ2] (t/2) π 2/ℏ δ(Ef - Ei)
(We have replaced t by t/2 and use a property of δ function:
δ(ax) = (1/a) δ(x)
The probability of transition from |i> to |f>, by
unit of time (transition rate) is:
Pi → f = (2 π/ℏ) |<f|V|i>|2 δ(Ef - Ei)
2.3. Time-dependent perturbation
If V(t) is given by:
V(t) = 0 if t<= 0
V(t) = V exp{iωt} + V+exp{-iωt} if t> 0
Called armonic perturbations
we will have:
P i → f = |- i/ℏ ∫ dτ exp{i(Ef - Ei)τ/ℏ} [<f|V|i> exp{iωτ} +
<f|V+|i> exp{-iωτ}] |2
from to to t
= |[1 - exp{-i((Ef - Ei)/ℏ + ω)t}/ ((Ef - Ei + ℏω) f|V|i> +
[1 - exp{-i((Ef - Ei)/ℏ - ω)t}/ ((Ef - Ei - ℏω) f|V+|i>|2
That leads to:
Pi → f = (2 π/ℏ) |<f|V|i>|2 δ(Ef - Ei + ℏω) +
(2 π/ℏ) |<f|V+|i>|2 δ(Ef - Ei - ℏω)
If Ef > Ei there is absorption (energy uptake),
then only the 2nd term contributes
If Ef < Ei there is emission (energy loss),
then only the 1st term contributes
3. Distribution of final states
The first-order term that we have used in
Ui(t,t0) = exp {- (i/ℏ) ∫ Hint(τ) dτ}
from t0 to t.
allows only direct transitions between
|i> and |f> . The second-order term
accounts for transitions occuring through
all possible intermediate states of |f>
We don’t have strictly real monochromatic light, but a frequency
spectrum of ω.Therefore, we use the radiation density.
We use also the term Density of states &ro;(Ef).
The last version of the Fermi's golden rule becomes:
P(i→f) = Σ(f) Pi → f = (2 π/ℏ) |<f|V|i>|2 δ(Ef - Ei)
= ∫ ρ(Ef) dEf [Pi → f]
P(i→f) = ∫ρ(Ef) dEf [Pi → f]