Quantum Mechanics
Schrodinger equation
Quantum Mechanics
Propagators : Pg
Quantum Simple Harmonic Oscillator QSHO
Quantum Mechanics
Simulation With GNU Octave
© The scientific sentence. 2010
Quantum Mechanics
Step potential with average energy
Simulation With GNU Octave
% Wavepacket propagation using step potential
% and exponential of H
% U(x) = the step potential with average energy :
L = 100;
N = 400;
x = linspace(0,L,N)';
dx = x(2) - x(1);
% I do not have this in Octave (it should be in package ..)
function h = heaviside (x)
h = zeros (size (x));
h(x > 0) = 1.0;
h(x == 0) = 0.5;
ko = 2;
a = 20;
dk = 2*pi/L;
phi = exp(-a*(k-ko).^2).*exp(-i*6*k.^2);
psi = ifft(phi);
psi = psi/sqrt(psi'*psi*dx);
avgE = phi'*0.5*diag(k.^2,0)*phi*dk/(phi'*phi*dk);
U = avgE*heaviside(x-(L/2));
e = ones(N,1);
Lap = spdiags([e -2*e e],[-1 0 1],N,N)/dx^2;
H = -(1/2)*Lap + spdiags(U,0,N,N);
NT = 210;
TF = 30;
T = linspace(0,TF,NT);
dT = T(2)-T(1);
hbar = 1;
E = expm(-i*full(H)*dT/hbar);
%Simulate P(x,T)
for t = 1:NT;
psi = E*psi;
P = conj(psi).*psi;
% coloring black and red ..
if t < NT/2, plot(x,P,'k');
else plot(x,P,'r');
print(filename, "-dpng");
axis([0 L 0 0.15]);
xlabel('x (m)', 'FontSize', 16);
ylabel('probability density (1/m)','FontSize', 16);
%ffmpeg -i output/%03d.png heaviside.avi
% ------------------------------------
The output: heaviside.avi