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Quantum Mechanics

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© The scientific sentence. 2010

Postulates of Quantum Mehanics

The foundations of Quantum Mechanics are a setof postulates. 
We know that we have no proofs for any postulate. A postulate 
is a statement taken for true in order to process a reasonning, 
do computations and make interpretations. 

Quantum theory has no pure reality. It is only probabilistic 
as it is set in the so-called "Copenhagen interpretation". 

Postulate 1

The state of a quantum system is described by a function, ψ(x, y, z,t) or ψ(r,t) , This function is the state function or the wavefunction. It contains all the information that can be determined about the system. This function is continuous, differentiable, and integrable. All linear combination of wave functions is also a wave function. This is the Principle of Linear Superposition of States. We define a scalar product on a related set of wave functions as: <ψ(r,t)|φ(r,t)> = ∫ ψ*(r,t)|φ(r,t)dr The scalar product, <ψ(r,t)|φ(r,t)> is a real or complex number.

Postulate 2

To every physical observable there corresponds a linear Hermitian operator. Suppose that A is an operator. Then, the equation: A ψ = a ψ is called an eigenvalue equation if , i.e., a constant. The function ψ is referred to as an eigenfunction or eigenvector of A with eigenvalue a. "a" is either a real or complex number. The result of a measurement must be a real number. Then the related operator is Hermitian or self-adjoint.

Postulate 3

The only possible values that can arise from measurements of a physical observable A are the eigenvalues ai of the eigenvalue equation A ψi = ai ψi

Postulate 4

If A is a Hermitian operator which represents a physical observable, A, then the eigenfunctions ψi of the eigenvalue equation A ψi = ai ψi form a complete set.

Postulate 5

If ψ(r,t) is the normalized state function of a system at time t, then the average value or expectation value of a physical observable A at time t is <A> = ∫ dr ψ*(r,t)A ψ(r,t), where ψ* is the complex conjugate of ψ

Postulate 6

The time development of the state of an undisturbed system is given by the time-dependent Schrödinger equation: Hψ(r,t) = i ∂ ψ(r,t)/∂t Where H is the Hamiltonian (energy operator).

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