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Linear energy transfert (LET)
1. Definition
Radiations interact with target matter, mainly by ionization process.
They lose their energy through interactions with the atoms. The
average amount of energy that is lost over a defined distance, is
known as the Linear Energy Transfer (LET) in radiation biology, and
stopping power in nuclear physics. In other words, LET is
the energy loss per unit length of particle track (passage through
a medium).In this section we are going to consider high energy heavy
particles, so they transfer a small fraction of their during a single
electronic collision, therefore, their deflection in the collision
is negligible, and their travel is essentially a straight path in irradiated
Heavy charged particles are "high LET radiation" while x-rays, wheras
gamma-rays, and fast electrons are "low LET radiation". Using relativistic
quantum mechanics, Bethe derived the an expression for
the LET of a uniform target medium for a heavy charged particle.
2. Bethe's formula
The relativistic Bethe's formula is:
- dE/dx = (4πke2z2e4N/mc2β2) {ln[(2mc2β2)/(I(1 - β2))] - β2}
ke = 8.99 x 109 N m2 C-2,
Coulomb's constant ke = 1/4πε0
Permittivity constant: ε0 = 8.85 x 10-12 C2/N.m2
z = atomic number of the incident heavy particle,
e = charge of the electron = 1,6 x 10- 19 C,
N = number of electrons per unit volume in the medium,
m = electron rest mass = 9.11 x 10 -31 kg, and mc2 = 0.511 MeV,
c = speed of light in vacuum = 3.00 x 108 m/s,
= V/c = initial speed of the particle relative to c,
I = mean excitation energy of the medium.
3. Mean excitation energy
The mean excitation energy is measured in experiments. We have the
following empirical formulas to estimate the values of I for medium
of charge element Z, in eV:
I ≈ 19.0 for hydrogen,
I ≈ 11.2 + 11.7 x Z for 2 ≤ Z ≥ 13
I ≈ 52.8 + 8.71 x Z for Z > 13
In the case of the medium is a mixture or a compound (molecules) of many elemnts;
the mean excitation energy is not the sum of the individual ones; It
is given by the formula:
N ln I = ∑ Ni Zi ln Ii [i: 1 → N]
N = ∑ Ni Zi
I = Π IiNi Zi/N [i: 1 → N]
The mean excitation energy of water H2O:
For H, IH = 19.0 eV,
For O, IO = 11.2 + 11.7 x 8 = 105.0 eV.
N = NH ZH + NO ZO = 2 x 1 + 1 x 8 = 10.
= 19.02/10 x 105.08/10 = [19.0 x 105.04]1/5 = 74.6
Mean excitation energy for water:
Iex ≈ 74.6 eV
4. Reduced Bethe's formula
Per volume unit = 1 m3 , and with:
1 eV = 1.602 10-19 joules, 1 MeV = 1.602 10-13 joules, and
mc2 = 0.511 MeV, we have:
4πke2e4/mc2 = 5.085 x 10 - 32 keV/µm.
If we introduce the function ζ such as:
ζ(β) = ln[(2mc2β2)/(1 - β2)] - β2
= ln[(1.02 x 106 β2)/(1 - β2)] - β2, the Bethe's furmula
takes the reduced following form:
- dE/dx = (5.085 x 10 - 32 z2N/β2) [ζ(β) - ln I] keV/µm.
- dE/dx = (5.085 x 10 - 32 z2N/β2) [ζ(β) - ln I] keV/µm.
ζ(β) = ln[(1.02 x 106 β2)/(1 - β2)] - β2
Recall I is in units of eV. The function ζ(β) depends only on the velocity of the projectile
( incident radiation).
We use also the Mass Stopping Power quantity, which is the LET divided by the density of
the medium.
The Bethe's formula remains an approximation for the real facts. When approching β to
zero, the LET becomes infinite!. The β in the expression of the LET is related to the initial
velocity; then a constant!.
5. Reduced Bethe's formula for water target
For water target:
Molecular weight = 18.0 g/mol; the number of electrons per molecule is 10.
One m3 weights of 106 g. The density of electrons N is:
N = 10 x 6.023 x 1023 electrons/mol = 10 x 6.023 x 1023/18.0 x 10-6 electrons/m3
N = 3.35 x 1029 electrons/m3
With Iex ≈ 74.6 eV, we have:
- dE/dx = (5.085 x 10 - 32 z2 x 3.35 x 1029 /β2) {9.525 + ln[β2/(1 - β2)] - β2} keV/µm.
= (0.0170 x z2) {(9.525/β2) + (1/β2)ln[β2/(1 - β2)] - 1} keV/µm.
We have:
1/β2 = c2/v2
If the initial energy of the projectile is E = (1/2)mv2, then v2 = 2E/m.
m = A x 1 uma = A x 1836 x me , A is the number of mass and me is the electron mass.
1/β2 = c2/v2 = mc2/2E = A x 1836 x mec2/2E
We consider A = 2z, except for the proton ( where A = z ). With mec2 = 0.511 MeV, we have:
1/β2 = z x 1836 x 0.511/E = 938.20 z /E
We can expres the LET in terms of MeV x cm2/g. By dividing by the
density ρ, we have for water:
1 keV/µm = 10 MeV x cm2/g.
The Bethe's formula becomes for water:
-dE/dx = 0.0170 x z2/β2 {9.525 - ln[(1/β2) - 1] - β2} keV/µm.
z is the charge of the projectile, E its energy in MeV,
and 1/β2 = = 938.20 z /E.
6. Water LET calculator:
At the above header, a little prgram written in PHP and AJAX calculates the
LET for a given projectile with charge z and initial energy E.