bisection function
1. The method

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>

The bissection method is used to determine the roots
of a function, generally not evident to find; such as
the function related to the third degree equation.

In this method,
- we first take a large range of
numbers (in the following example l = 0 - u = 50),
- we make sure that the function has a root by
writing the test : Is the product f(l) x f(u) negative ?
If yes we continue, otherwise no roots for this function .

-- If f(l) x f(u) < 0, We start then to divide the
range l - u in half and attribute the middle point (l + u)/2 to u
and repeat the test (using the loop for), until the the product
	becomes > 0. The last half is fixed as c[i]
	(for each step me put the middle point in the array c[101]

-- At this moment, we do the similar process (now at left) for
	"l" until the root is reached .

	2. Example: function f(x) = x/16 - 1/8

// The bisection.c program
//. The function to for which  we are to find its roots
float f(float x)
	// Example:
return (x/16.0 - 1/8.0);
	// any function

// Main program
// --------------------
int main()

printf("The middle points are:\n");

float l = 0, u = + 50, c[101];
int i, n = 30;

	printf("\t - %1.6f\n",c[i]);

// c[n] is the last middle point: It is then the solution ( the searched root)
printf("The solution is : %1.2f\n",c[n]);

// To calculate the error
printf("The error: %1.6f\n",100*(c[n] - c[n-1])/c[n]);
// That is else if (f(l)*f(u)>0), there is no solution
printf("There is no roots in this range .\n");
	return 0;
// ---------- end --------------------

The bisection.c program:

I. Compiled, gives:
>gcc -msse2 -O3 -march=pentium4 -malign-double -funroll-loops 
-pipe -fomit-frame-pointer -W -Wall -o "cable.exe" "bisection.c"
>Exit code: 0

Executed, gives:
The middle points are:
         - 25.000000
         - 12.500000
         - 6.250000
         - 3.125000
         - 1.562500
         - 2.343750
         - 1.953125
         - 2.148438
         - 2.050781
         - 2.001953
         - 1.977539
         - 1.989746
         - 1.995850
         - 1.998901
         - 2.000427
         - 1.999664
         - 2.000046
         - 1.999855
         - 1.999950
         - 1.999998
         - 2.000022
         - 2.000010
         - 2.000004
         - 2.000001
         - 2.000000
         - 2.000000
         - 2.000000
         - 2.000000
         - 2.000000
         - 2.000000
The solution is : 2.00
The error: 0.000000


3. Example: Computing the tension T for a cable strung	

	/*This program "cable_strung.c" calls the function f(T) and 
	uses the bisection method to determine the tension in the cable.
	Once this tension is computed, it is fixed as a parameter, like w and 
	ymin, to compute the values of the height "y" with respect to the
	position of the right hand pole "x". The related dvalues are
	written in a file of type .csv that a Ms Excel spreadsheet
	can open and graph.
	The function f(T) is: y - ymin + T/w - (T/w) * cosh(w*x/T). It is
	is derived from the double differential equation of the cable strung:
	d2y/dx2 =  (w/T)[1 + (dy/dx)2]1/2 
	 For more info, link to :  cable strung .

	#include <stdio.h>
	#include <stdlib.h>
	#include <math.h>

	float x, y, ymin, w;
	/*x is the distance from O to the right  pole,  y is the height 
	of the cable, ymin is the minimum height, and w is the uniform
	weight w (in Newtons/meter) per unit length
	y, x, and ymin : n meters. w in Newtons per meter

	// 1. Defining the fuction

	// 1. 1. The fuction to compute T (in Newtons)
	float f(float T)
	double zz = w*x/T;
	return y - ymin + T/w - (T/w) * cosh(zz) ;
		//That is f(T) = 0

	// 1. 1. The fuction to y with respect to x, once T is fixed
	float height(float x, float T)
	double zz = w*x/T;
	return (T/w) * cosh(zz) + ymin  - T/w ;
		//That is y

	// 2. Main program:
	int main()
	// 2 . 1. Input values:
	printf("\n Input a value for y  ");
	printf("\n and for x in meters : --> ");
	scanf("%f%f", &y, &x);

	printf("\n Input values for w and ymin");
	printf("\n w  and ymin in meters : --> ");
	scanf("%f%f", &w, &ymin);

	The inputs y=15,x = 50,  ymin = 8 and w =8 are the 
	convenient values

		// 2. 2. Bisection method:

	// Finding the middle point ..

	float l = 1, u = 3000, c[100];
		// The tension T (in Newtons) is positive, start with 1, 
		//because zero leads to infinity

	int i,n = 100;
	float ss =0;


		// 2. 3. The results ( value of T):
		printf("\nThe solution is T =  %1.2f Newtons.\n",c[n]);
		//Fixing the result T :
		ss= c[n];
		printf("There is no roots in this range .\n");


		// 2. 4. Computing "y" with respect to "x"
	Filling in the two array "array_cable_x", and "array_cable_y"
	The values of "x" and "y" respectively
	/*printf("The heights, y, of the cable at each x:\n");*/

	int count = -1;
	float k, array_cable_x[101], array_cable_y[101];
	for(k= -50; k<= +50; k++)
			count = count +1;
			//printf("\t  %1.2f\n",height(k,ss));
			array_cable_x [count]= k;
			array_cable_y[count] = height(k,ss);
			// Here "k" is x, and height(k,ss); is "y"


	FILE *fp;
	/* Writes the set of data values from array_cale to the 
	file "cable_array.csv":*/
	fp = fopen("cable_arrays.csv", "w");
	int j;
	for (j=0;j<=100;j++)
	fprintf(fp,"%1.2f,%1.2f\n", array_cable_x[j], array_cable_y[j]);
	fclose (fp);
	//The graph "y" vs "x" is given by MS Excel
	return 0;

	//---------- end ----------------------------------

	Compiled with SciTE gives:
	>gcc -msse2 -O3 -march=pentium4 -malign-double 
	-funroll-loops -pipe -fomit-frame-pointer -W -Wall 
	-o "cable_strung.exe" "cable_strung.c"
	>Exit code: 0

	Executed gives:
	Input a value for y
	and for x in meters : -->  15 50

	Input values for w and ymin
	w  and ymin in meters : --> 8 8 
	scanf("%f%f", &w, &ymin);

	 The solution is T =  1437.81 Newtons.


	Graph given by MS Excel:
	The file "cable_array.csv" is immediately created within 
	the same directory: C:\CLanguage>

	     The graph is the following where the increment is 5: