Integer divisor function

	1. Definition

	The following function ouputs the divisors of an integer. Plus,
	It tests whether it is prime.

	2. Example in C language:
	#include <stdio.h>

	int main()
	int number, rate;

	printf("\n Enter an integer ?: --> ");
	scanf("%d", &number);
	//How many numbers will be written by line ?
	printf("\n How many divisors would be displayed by line ?: --> ");
	scanf("%d", &rate);

	printf("\n The divisors of %d are:\n", number);

	int n , k = 0 ;
	for ( n = 1 ; n <= number ; n++ )
	if ( number% n == 0 )
	k++ ;
	printf("%3d)%4d   ", k, n);
	if ( k % rate == 0 ) printf("\n");
	// Plus ..
	printf("\n\n The number %d has %d divisors. ", number, k);

	if ( k == 2 )
		printf("It is prime. \n");
	printf("It is not prime. \n");

	return 0;