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Playing TicTacToe

Using some Fortran90 language funtionalities, and more ..


   tictactoe function

TicTacToe function

1. The method

!Tic tac toe program ! !This program reads two idexes i and j of an element of a matrix 3x3 (board(3,3)) !and assign for the related element the character "X" or "O". ! !The program calls first the subroutine initialize(board) to initialize the elements !of the matrix by dots. Then reads indexes (1 2 or3 only) from the file "moves.txt ". !To assigne "X" or "O" to the element of a matrix, a counter is incremented to fix !the first turn for "X" by using the LOGICAL function player(counter). !If the three elements of a line or of a column or !of the two diagonals are equal, then the element "X" or "O" WINS. ! !Finally, the results are written in the output file results.txt. via the !subroutine resultboard(board) ! ! --------------------------------------------------

2. Example in Fortran 90 language:

!1. Main program: !----------------- PROGRAM tictactoe IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER:: x, y, iostatus,counter Character:: board(3,3) logicaL:: player ! Opening the file: moves.txt OPEN(UNIT=16,FILE="moves.txt") counter=1 ! Initialize the matrix CAll initialize(board) DO ! reading indexes from the file: moves.txt READ(16,*,iostat=iostatus) x,y !Exit at the end IF(iostatus /=0) EXIT !Just three integers IF ((x<1) .OR. (x>3) .OR. (y<1) .OR. (y>3)) THEN write(*,*) "The board contains 3 rows and 3 columns only, please check your file input" stop ELSE if (board(x,y) == ".") THEN ! In the case of the LOGICAL function player returns TRUE IF(player(counter)) THEn board(x,y) = "X" ELSE board(x,y) = "O" END IF ELSE write(*,*) "The position"," (",x,",",y,") ","is occupied" stop END IF END IF !Infrement the counter counter = counter + 1 !If the three elements of a line or of a column or !of the two diagonals are equal, then the element "X" or "O" WINS. IF (board(1,1)==board(1,2) .AND. board(1,2)==board(1,3) .AND. board(1,1) /= "." .AND. board(1,2) /= "." .AND. board(1,3) /= ".") THEN write(*,*) board(1,1), " wins" call resultboard(board) stop elseif(board(2,1)==board(2,2) .AND. board(2,2)==board(2,3) .AND. board(2,1) /= "." .AND. board(2,2) /= "." .AND. board(2,3) /= ".") THEN write(*,*) board(2,1), " wins" call resultboard(board) stop elseif(board(3,1)==board(3,2) .AND. board(3,2)==board(3,3) .AND. board(3,1) /= "." .AND. board(3,2) /= "." .AND. board(3,3) /= ".") THEN write(*,*) board(3,1), " wins" call resultboard(board) stop elseif(board(1,1)==board(2,1) .AND. board(2,1)==board(3,1) .AND. board(1,1) /= "." .AND. board(2,1) /= "." .AND. board(3,1) /= ".") THEN write(*,*) board(1,1), " wins" call resultboard(board) stop elseif(board(1,2)==board(2,2) .AND. board(2,2)==board(3,2) .AND. board(1,2) /= "." .AND. board(2,2) /= "." .AND. board(3,2) /= ".") THEN write(*,*) board(1,2), " wins" call resultboard(board) stop elseif(board(1,3)==board(2,3) .AND. board(2,3)==board(3,3) .AND. board(1,3) /= "." .AND. board(2,3) /= "." .AND. board(3,3) /= ".") THEN write(*,*) board(1,3), " wins" call resultboard(board) stop elseif(board(1,1)==board(2,2) .AND. board(2,2)==board(3,3) .AND. board(1,1) /= "." .AND. board(2,2) /= "." .AND. board(3,3) /= ".") THEN write(*,*) board(1,1), " wins" call resultboard(board) stop elseif(board(3,1)==board(2,2) .AND. board(2,2)==board(1,3) .AND. board(3,1) /= "." .AND. board(2,2) /= "." .AND. board(1,3) /= ".") THEN write(*,*) board(3,1), " wins" call resultboard(board) stop end if END DO !If just an element of the matrix is steel a dot, the game is still not completed IF(board(1,1)=="." .OR. board(1,2)=="." .OR. board(1,3)=="." .OR. board(2,1)=="." .OR. board(2,2)=="." .OR. board(2,3)=="." .OR. board(3,1)=="." .OR. board(3,2)=="." .OR. board(3,3)==".") then write(*,*) "Incomplete Game" call resultboard(board) else write(*,*) "Draw" ! Put the results in the file ""results.txt call resultboard(board) end if CLOSE(16) END PROGRAM tictactoe !2. The subroutine to initialize the matrix borard(3,3) !------------------------------------------------------- subroutine initialize(a) IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER:: i, j Character:: a(3,3) Do i=1,3 DO j=1,3 a(i,j) = "." END DO END DO END subroutine initialize !3. The logical function allowing "X" to take the first , third, fifth ... turns !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LOGICAL function player(counter) IMPLICIT NONE integer:: counter IF(mod(counter,2) /= 0) THEN player = .TRUE. ELSE player = .FALSE. END IF end function player !4. The subroutine to output the results within the file results.txt !-------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine resultboard(b) implicit none integer:: i character:: b(3,3) OPEN(UNIT=15,FILE="results.txt") do i=1,3 write(15,*) b(i,1), "|", b(i,2), "|", b(i,3) end do CLOSE(15) end subroutine ! -------------------------------------------------- END !Example: ! !file moves.txt !1 1 !1 2 !2 1 !2 3 !3 1 !3 2 !3 3 ! !file results.txt ! X|O|. ! X|.|O ! X|.|. !The compiler SciTE.exe gives: !>g77 -x f77 -ffree-form -W -Wall "ttt.f90" -o "ttt.exe" !>Exit code: 0 !Running the program: !C:Fortran90>tictactoe !X wins

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