Quadratic function

1. Definition: The quadratic function ax2 + bx + c is a polynomial of degree 2 (second order). The related equation ax2 + bx + c = 0 has two solutions. We are interested in calculating the roots of this equation. If a is null, we have a linear equation and the solution is -c/b. If the discriminant is negative, we have imaginary roots: x1,2= (-b -,+ (b*b - 4*a*c)i/(2*a), and if the discriminant is positive, we have real roots: x1,2= (- b +,- sqrt(b*b - 4*a*c)/(2*a). 2. The method in Fortran90 language: PROGRAM quadratic_equation IMPLICIT NONE REAL :: a,b,c, disc, x1, x2 PRINT*,"Enter the values of the coefficients a, b, c : --> \n" READ*, a,b,c disc=b*b-4*a*c IF (a == 0) THEN PRINT*,"The equation is linear and the related solution is:" PRINT*,"x0 = ", -c/b ELSE IF(disc <0) THEN x1 = -b/2*a x2 = SQRT(- disc)/2*a PRINT*,"\n The roots are complexe: " PRINT*,"x1 = ",x1," + ",x2,"i" PRINT*,"x2 = ",x1," - ",x2,"i" ELSE x1 = (-b + SQRT(disc))/2*a x2 = (-b - SQRT(disc))/2*a PRINT*,"\n The roots are real:" PRINT*,"x1 = ",x1 PRINT*,"x2 = ",x2 ENDIF END PROGRAM quadratic_equation