ActionScript language allows creating animations, interactive
and dynamic web applications. Like Javascript, ActionScript
is a scripting language following ECMAScript specifications.
Its related platform is Flash Player. It was first
developed by Macromedia which became Adobe Since 2005. The
version Actionscript 1.0 (AS 1.0) works with Flash MX; Actionscript
2.0 (AS 2.0) works with Flash MX2004; and Actionscript 3 works
with Flex. Actionscript needs Adobe Flash Player
to show the file.swf generated when we compile (or run)
Actionscript.(Flash Player and Flash Reader are totally free).
In this tutorial, we will use Actionscript 3 working with Flex
builder 3.
2. Installing Adobe Flex Builder 3:
Go to:
, and download the
60-day trial : Flex Builder 3 Professional.
Get FB3_win.exe.
Double_click on it and follow the instructions.
This installtion gives two programming ways:
1. In the Flex platform, build a project, set and run mxml applications.
In the directory: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Flex Builder 3, make
FlexBuilder.exe as a shortcut in the desktop, in order to
be called easily.
Open Flex and start the project.
2. The other way is to write an Actionscript program, save
at as, and compile it using "mxmlc.exe".
This compiler is located in the directory:
C:\Program Files\Adobe\Flex Builder 3\sdks\3.1.0\bin
Add C:\Program Files\Adobe\Flex Builder 3\sdks\3.1.0\bin
in the path (start, setting,control pannel, system, advanced,
environment variable)
Make a working director, say : C:\FLASH
In this working directoy, write a code, save it as
and compile as:
C:\FLASH> mxmlc
If the code is correct, that is the compilation is done,
we get:
C:\FLASH\file.swf (xxxx bytes). That is the file.wsf is
generated and stored in the sane working directoory. This
file.wsf can be seen in the Builder environement(just by
double clicking on it), or opened in the browser.
In fact, the real compiler is the Java compiler that
comes with Builder 3 software, and located in the directory:
C:\Program Files\Adobe\Flex Builder 3\jre\bin. Actionscript
programming is an OOP(Oriented Object Programming). Its
style is one of the Java. Sometimes, it seems that we are
programming applets (compiled by "javac" and viewed by "appletviwer"
or by a browser where the bycode file.class is embedded in an
html page as <applet code=file.class></applet>).
With Actionscript, we compile with mxmlc, and we get
the file.wsf viwed in a browser or the Flex platform.
3. Examples
Example 1:
package {
import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.text.TextField;
public class Regards extends Sprite {
public function Regards() {
var display_txt:TextField = new TextField();
display_txt.text = "Regards ..";
The execution gives:
Loading configuration file C:\Program Files\Adobe\
Flex Builder 3\sdks\3.1.0\frameworks\flex-config.xml
C:\FLASH\Regards.swf (616 bytes)
The output is shown below, In the Mozilla Firefox
browser and in Flash Player 9 platform:
Example 2: Drawing cirles
package {//package of classes
import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.display.Shape;
import flash.display.Graphics;
public class Circles extends Sprite {
public function Circles() {
colored_circle(graphics, 0x4169E1);
//New circle called child: circ
var circ:Shape = new Shape();
colored_circle(, 0xFFE4E1);
//Its position relatively to the first one:
circ.x = 150;
circ.y = 20;
//Define a fuction with two arguments of type Graphics and int:
private function colored_circle(target:Graphics, color:int):void {
target.lineStyle(1, 0x0000cd);
//(border-width, color-width), here: blue
//Fill in the circle with the chosen color 0x0000cd
//Draw the related circle (x-position, y-position, radius):
target.drawCircle(200, 200, 100);
Let's compile this program:
Loading configuration file C:\Program Files\Adobe\
Flex Builder 3\sdks\3.1.0\frameworks\flex-config.xml
C:\FLASH\Circles.swf (751 bytes)
The output is shown below in Flash Player 9 platform:
We can insert the following code:
<object data ="Binaries.swf" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="200" height="100">
<param name="Binaries" value="Binaries.swf">
So the generated Circles.swf will appear within the same
current page: