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Web Technologies



1. Introduction:

HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language. An html page is a simple text file that contains markup tags. Once saved as file.htm or file.html, it is displayed, according the related tags, over a browser like Firefox, Internet Explorer, Netscape or Opera.


<title>The title of the page</title>
<body> The text will be displayed here.</body>

2. HTML Elements:

An HTML documents is a set of HTML elements. Each element is an expression (content) between a pair of tags. The start tag contains two brackets < and >; the end (closing) tag contains the two brackets and a slash as <b> Here is the element content in a bold text.</b>. HTML tags are not case sensitive.

3. HTML Tags:

<html> HTML document</html>
<title> The title of the document</title>
<body> The body (displayed text) of the document</body>
<script> The script used in the program</script>
<p> A paragraph</p>
<hn> Headings</hn>, n = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6, the largest, the smallest.
<br> or <br/>.
This line break tag has no end tag like the horizontal rule
<!-- This is a comment and will not be displayed -->
Automatically, HTML adds new (blank) line before and after a paragraph and a heading tag. All the empty space left when editting counts as one.

4. HTML Attributes:

Tags contains attributes specified in the starting tag, in order to provide more features for a HTML element, like <hr width = "55%" color = "red">. An attribute contains a name (as color) and a value (red).; the value is always quotted (as "red" or' "HTML" ')

5. HTML Links:

They are used to link a current document to another document:

Anchor a :

<a href ="url">Link to the specified attribute url</a> a is the anchor that can point to other resource like an HTML page, an image, audio or video document.
the attribute target define where the linked document will be displayed. <a href ="url" target = "_blanck">Link to the specified attribute url and display it a new page</a>
An anchor with an attribute "name" points to a specific section in the same page:
Clicking on <a href="#top">top</a> leads to the top of the page if at the top we can find the target mentionned as <a name ="top"> </a>
from outside the page, the link would be: <a href = "url/file.html#top">top</a>


<img border ="1" src = "HTML.gif" width="100" height="50">

6. Frames:

Frames divide the window into documents parts : rows (horizontal frameset) or column (verical frameset). The sytax, for three documents is:
<frameset cols = "20%, 70%,*"> or <frameset rows = "20%, 70%,*">
<frame src = "file1.html">
<frame src = "file2..htm">
<frame src = "file3.html">
the * means th remaining space. The attribute for the frameset can be expressed in pixels as <frameset rows = "150, 700, *">
We mix framesets inside others, as:
<html><frameset cols ="30%,70%">
<frame src="file1.html">
<frameset rows ="40%,60%">
<frame src ="file2.html">
<frame src ="file3.html">
<frame noresize="noresize" src ="file.html"> will not resise the document.
<iframe src ="file.html" width="100%"> </iframe> will set a new frame inside a current document.
The bowsers that not support frames must read noframe tag as folows:
<frameset rows ="30%,70%">
<frame src="file1.html">
<frame src="file2.html">
<body>Here the content of the body that not support frames.</body>
The following example set links in the content.html page to be displayed in the target.html page carrying the name ThisFrame.
<frameset cols="200,*">
<frame src="content.html">
<frame src="target.html" name="ThisFrame">

7. Tables:

The skeleton of a (n,m)table is as follows:
<table border="x"> , x = 0,1,2, ...
<tr><th>Heading1</th> ....<th>Headingn</th></tr>
<tr><td>row 1, cell 1</td><td>row 1, cell 2</td>...
<td>row 1 , celle n</td></tr>
... <tr><td>row m, cell 1</td><td>row m, cell 2</td> ...
<td>row m , celle n</td></tr>
th stands for table heading; tr stands for table row, and td stands for table data. Each block is called cell which can take any other HTML elements.
<td></td> or <td> </td> is just an empty cell.
The following table shows a cell that spans three columns:
<table border="0">
<tr><th>Course</th><th colspan="3">Levels</th></tr>
<td>Level 1</td><td>Level 2</td><td>Level 3</td></tr>

The following table shows a cell that spans three rows:
<table border="0">
<tr><td rowspan="3">HTML</td><td>Level 1</td></tr>
<tr><td>Level 2</td></tr>
<tr><td>Level 3</td></tr>

Table takes cellpadding as attribute to set space in an element (between borders and content). The syntax is:
<table cellpadding = "x">
Table takes cellspacing as attribute to set space between elements. The syntax is: <table cellspacing = "x">
Table takes frame as attribute to set frames inside a table. The syntax is: <table frame = "value">
value could be: border orbox, void, above, below, hsides, vsides, lhs, or rhs

8. HTML Character Entities

They can be expresed by names or by numbers. Examples:
< less than &lt; &#60;
> greater than &gt; &#62;
non-breaking space &nbsp; &#160;
& ampersand &amp; &#38;
" quotation mark &quot; &#34;
' apostrophe &apos; &#39;


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