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Probability & Statistics

© The scientific sentence. 2010


1. Arrangements:

We can arrange a set with or witout repetition:

Set = {1,2,3,4,5}, with N elements.

Set arranged by three elements without repetition:
Set3 = {1,2,3} or {2,3,1}, or {3,2,5} , ...

Set arranged by three elements with repetition:
Set3 = {1,2,2} or {3,5,5} , ...

The subsets {1,2,3} and {2,3,1} are differents because 
the order is important

1. without repetition:

We have N possibilities for the first choice, (N - 1) possibilities for the 
second choice, ..., and (N - (n - 1)) = (N - n + 1) possibilities for the last 
nth choice. In total: 
N x (N - 1) x (N - 2) x ... x (N - n + 1) = the same factor x new_term/new_term, 
where new_term = (N - n) x (N - n - 1) x ... x 2 x 1 = (N - n)!
We have the same factor x new_term = N!
Without repetition, the number of ways to arrange n elements chosen among N is A(n,N) = N!/(N - n)!
2. with repetition: We have N possibilities for the first choice, N possibilities for the second choice, ..., and N possibilities for the last nth choice. In total: N x (N x ... x N (n times) = Nn Finally:
With repetition, the number of ways to arrange n elements chosen among N is A(n,N) = Nn

2. Combinations:

Set = {1,2,3,4,5}

Set of three combined elements without repetition:
Set3 = {1,2,3} but NOT {2,3,1}, and NOT {1,1,2}, or  ...

Set of three combined elements with repetition:
Set3 = {1,2,2} or {3,5,5} , ...

The subsets {1,2,3} and {2,3,1} are equal because the order is NOT important

The number of ways to combine, without repetition, n elements chosen among N is C(n,N) = A(n,N)/n! = N!/n!(N - n)!
The number of ways to combine, with repetition, n elements chosen among N is C(n,N) = (n + N - 1)!/n!(N - 1)!

3. Permuations:

Set = {a,b,c}

The all sets of permuted elements without repetition:
{a,b,c}, {a,c,b}, {b,a,c}, {b,c,a}, {c,a,b}, {c,b,a}

All the  sets are different because the order 
is important. Permute a set is just arrange all of its 
elements; that is arrage N elements among N, or 
A(N,N) = N!/(N - N)! = N!

The number of ways to permute N elements is P(N) = N!
Remarks: 1. An arrangement is a permutation, we have just to specify the numbre of elements. If n &nequi; N ⇒ arrangement, and if n &equi; N ⇒ permutation. 2. A combination is an arrangement when the order does not matter. If we arrange, without repetition, n objects among N, we have A(n,N) ways. Each time we arrange n objects, they are ordered n! times. Then the number of ways to combine n elements, without repetition, among N is C(n,N) = A(n,N)/n! = N!/n!(N - n)!.


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